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    Haven't spoken to you guys in a hot minute, how are y'all doing?
I know, you probably want to get on with the book and not even read what I'm writing here, and I understand... I just wanna be appreciated!

Guys I am shaking from how excited I am posting this book. I really hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

I know this book will be better than the last. Or at least I think so. The chapters are longer, I'm better at writing, and I have a mindset of where I'm taking this.

    This book is NOT going to be updated daily. It will be post a day, skip a day. I'm really sorry, I just feel like I have to make every chapter PERFECT before I let you all read. With that being said, I hope you all aren't that mad at me?


    Two songs that I highly recommend listening to are

These two songs are very, with the book I guess you could say. I am in love with them, and listen to them a lot when I write.

    Like my past book, here are the face claims for 'Rising From The Ashes'!

Vera Zola- Barnes played by Willa Holland

ShadowHunter • The Girl With No Control~"If I believe that the world is better than this, slap me

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ShadowHunter • The Girl With No Control
"If I believe that the world is better than this, slap me."

James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes played by Sebastian Stan

James Buchanan 'Bucky' Barnes played by Sebastian Stan

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Rising From The AshesWhere stories live. Discover now