7: Alliance of a Lifetime

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    "Agent Hendrix? What are you doing here?" I ask the man holding me against the wall outside of Tony's house. I stop struggling in his grasp, knowing my place.

    "The real question is: what are you doing here?"

    I give him a deadpanned look. "It's my uncle's house."

    "Well, I have business with your uncle. I came to speak to you, with a few of my friends." He waves to the people coming up behind him.

    A woman and a man. They both look more like Agent Hendrix, lighthearted. Not like Fallon or Drystan, who are always serious.

"Let her go, Hen. No need to harass the woman. Sorry about him, hi I'm Hallie." 'Hallie' sticks her hand out for me to shake when Agent Hendrix releases me.

"V-," then I remember who she is. "ShadowHunter." I state firmly.

She gives me an off look before turning to her partner. "This is Jace, my husband." I take notice of how young they look. 'Are they part of the Hellhounds?'

"Hey." Jace dorkily replies, waving awkwardly. I return the greeting, before turning to Agent Hendrix.

"You needed to speak with me?"

"Oh right, yeah. Uhm, it's about the leader meeting." I curiously glance at him. 'Why would he be willing to give me information about his organization?'

"May we bring this conversation to the Avengers as well? This will probably be something we need to know."

"If we must. Dramatic entrances have always been my favorite entering." The three slip back in the shadows, waiting for the time to come out.

I make my way back into my family's line of sight once again. I join Peter and Sebastian at the table they're sitting at.

"Hello boys." I greet politely. They both acknowledge my presence, smiling at me brightly.

    "As I was saying, I just don't think they should have ended it like that! It's outrageous!" What on Earth are they talking about?


    A shout of protest makes all of our attentions on the sudden commotion. Hallie, Jace, and Agent Hendrix all stand there, right outside of the tree line.

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