3: Consequences

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    HOUR SIX of nine rolls around, as we get closer and closer to home base

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    HOUR SIX of nine rolls around, as we get closer and closer to home base. He wanted to drive half way through, so I let him. We're currently settled in comfortable silence, when I decide to break it.

"Earlier, you mentioned a brother. May I ask who that is?"

"You know your- well, your leader? Fallon?" I look over at him aghast.

"You're not serious?" I instantly put my guard higher. He could have been testing me this entire time. I would of failed, if that is the case.

    "Sadly yes. I don't think we look anything alike, but it's true."

    I face forward, my posture like a board. I can feel Agent Hendrix glancing at me frequently.

    "He had Neith, the Maleficis Clan Leader, turn him into a vampire. Then it was his best friend, Drystan. Fallon couldn't bare to live on without me, so he turned me next. This life was never something I would of chosen, that's why I'm not big on power and rankings. Us three are around 1500 years old. He's my older brother, of course." He tells me his story.

    "Why are you telling me all of this?"

    "I don't really know, but what I do know is that you seem like someone I can trust. I'm not asking you to return it, I wouldn't if I were in your situation. Just know I'm here if you need any help with my brother, which I would assume happens quite often." He jokes at the end of his lengthy speech.

    "Thank you," I whisper. I didn't know what else to say. 'Sure buddy, I trust you!' No, I'm not like him. I can't trust someone after only knowing them for seven hours.

"No problem. I know my brother can be a idiot most of the time. He's not as bad as that dude Rumlow, though."

    I instantly stiffen at the name of my 'handler.'

    Agent Hendrix notices immediately, taking caution around me now. "Touchy subject, you and him?"

    "He's my boss."

    Realization flickers across his face, nodding in understanding. "I see. That's too bad. That guy is a jerk."

    'Tell me about it.' I snicker mentally at my joke. A smile graces itself on my fact.

    "You and I think very alike." I answer his colorful, but true, statement.

    "How much longer? And don't respond with 'nearly there'. It's killing me!" He dramatized.

    "Around two and a half hours."

    "Really?!" He snaps his head over to me, not looking out in front of him.

    "Watch the road." I remind him, calm and casual. He looks dumbfounded, before realizing he's the one driving. "Should I take the wheel back?"

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