33- EXTRA: As Promised

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the one where she shows him

It's only a few weeks after the battle and as promised, I'm showing Hendrix the ShadowHunter.

He never let me forget that I had a promise to him.

    "So how exactly do you control her?" Hendrix questions, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he drags his feet through the sand.

The sun is just setting under the sea level. The sky is littered with colors cascading throughout it.

"It's like a switch. I give her control with the power, and trust, to let me take back control when I am finished with her."

"Weird," Hendrix mutters. I pick up a handful of sand, launching it at his back.

Hendrix stops and slowly turns around. A devious look in his eyes.

"You shouldn't have done that."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah." The next thing I know, Hendrix is tackling me in the sand, burying my head in the cool matter.

"Get off me, ya big lug." I shrug him off me using the extra strength in me.

"This should be a good spot. We're a ways away so if anything goes haywire, it won't affect the facility." Hendrix explains, motioning to the building in the distance.

We both stand. The air changes, turning into a more serious and sophisticated environment.

I close my eyes, letting her take over.

When I open my eyes, it's not by my doing. It's the ShadowHunter's.

"Agent Hendrix," my mouth opens to greet without it being my own actions.

"ShadowHunter, I presume." Hendrix examines my eyes, leaning in for a closer look at the solidification they underwent.

My hand flys out to push Hendrix away, keeping him at a safe distance.

ShadowHunter's POV:

"You should know better than to get to close to me." The power I have of this vessel is fulfilling and I don't waste a second of the short-lived control.

Agent Hendrix waves me off, walking around me in a circle.

"You do realize, and I mean no disrespect, but I look the same as Vera." I deadpan.

The agent clicks his tongue, resting his hand under his chin.

"You see, that's where you're wrong. Your eyes. They're different. Hers hold softness and life. Yours... quite exactly the opposite. Also your stance, Vera's is more relax, more comfortable. Yours looks like you're prepared to get yelled at by a drill sergeant. You see ShadowHunter, you and her may be in the same body but you're both two very different people. It used to not be that way, but now honey, now it's more clear than ever."

I stand in shock over his words, not knowing how to react to them.

I look down at myself, scanning my stance. I loosen my shoulders, picking up my feet and placing them down again to relax them.

Agent Hendrix smiles a bit, nodding in approval. "That's more like it."

"Now," he claps his hands abruptly, startling me back into a stiff figure. "Let's see the fighting technique. I've noticed when Vera fought, she fought with emotion, compassion. You fought as if your opponent killed your puppy. No remorse."

All of the sudden, Agent Hendrix slaps his hand up to hit me in the gut. Although, it wasn't so sudden to me. I had watched his hand twitch the moment before.

I caught the hand in my own, twisting it at an awkward angle.

Agent Hendrix grunts in discomfort, face scrunching up just the slightest bit.

I tilt my head, amused.

"You really are something." He pauses for a second. "If I were straight and Vera wasn't madly in love with Sebastian, I'd probably try to get with you."

I let his hand go, my turn to scrunch my face but this time in disgust.

"As if." I scoff, rolling my eyes. "You'd be lucky for half a woman like me."

Agent Hendrix's eyebrows raise in amusement, a glint shining in his eyes.

"Bite me."

"No thanks. I'm not a vampire, you are." I rebuke quickly, not thinking for a second about my response.

I swipe my leg under his, almost knocking him to ground if he didn't catch himself.

The agent spins, trying to get his arm around my back. I do a turn of my own, spinning around his back and onto his shoulders.

Leaning forward in a fast motion, I take him down in the sand. He grunts, rolling over off his face.

I stand up, my hands in front of my face as a defense.

He stands up, hands on his knees. Agent Hendrix tilts his head up, a smirk on his face.

I turn my head in confusion. Agent Hendrix chuckles, standing completely and walking over towards me.

I'm weary, but accept the arm around my shoulder.

We start to walk back towards the new Avengers compound. "I'm glad I got to meet you, ShadowHunter."

"To you as well, Agent Hendrix."

He groans at the name, tilting his head towards the sky. My eyes flicker with worry. Did I say something wrong? Was I not allowed to call him by his title?

"Call me Hen, that's what Vera calls me."

"Okay, Hen. I hope to come out and talk to you soon."

"Back at ya, ShadowHunter."

Author's Note: *awkwardly stares at dwindling readers with shoes in their hands* I can explain....
Actually, no I can't. Chase me now, yell at me later.

So I have took a longgggg break from writing to focus on school and my relationship and i don't know if I'm permanently back. I will try to keep uploading updated but we will just have to see. Thank you all!!

940 words

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