23: Assemble

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    "WELL WELL well, what do we have here?" Fallon tilts head, fangs prodding from his lips

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"WELL WELL well, what do we have here?" Fallon tilts head, fangs prodding from his lips.

"I knew this would happen," Rumlow sneers.

They all make their way to the bottom of the steps to the home base.

I find the shocked expressions on their faces amusing.

I guess they weren't expecting their agents to be on our side. Oh well.

"What is the meaning of this? We specifically told you all to stay in your homes." Fallon takes note on how we are all in fighting gear, and instantly understands. I can see it in his eyes.

"We lost a year ago. This time won't end the same." Uncle Tony in his Iron Man suit.

"What makes you think that?" Drystan acts offended, a playful smirk on his lips.

"We are prepared this time," I answer loudly.

"Ah, our dearest Shadowhunter." Again, not me. "What makes you think that you can so easily get out of this?"

I shrug, a mischievous smile on my face. "Aren't you all about fairness?" I tease them.

Neith throws a fire ball in my direction, but I easily shield it with my fields. I can sense Sebastian's presence behind me, ready to do anything necessary.

"That's not very nice Neith, you should apologize." Agent Hallie playfully says, jutting out her bottom lip.

We know something they don't. That puts us ahead, I think. I hope. (A/N this is a surprise for you all too)

"But my dear, we are always five steps ahead." Fallon leers.

"Can we kick them down the stairs? Then they'll be 20 steps behind." Peter shrugs, seeing no flaw in his plan.   (A/N for you boo imtiredanditslate )

    "You must be the young one who is too idiotic to leave," Rumlow hums. Tony lurches forwards, not liking the negative words towards his son.

    "And you must be the dumb butt who is trying to go up against the Avengers... again." Sebastian rebuttals.

    Rumlow growls.

He starts to speak my words, trying to turn me into her.

My skin twitches, but that's all that happens.

"What is this madness? Rumlow, command her!"

"I'm saying the words, aren't I? It's like she's immune to them now!"

I smirk. "That's because I am. You see, my dear friend Shuri is extraordinary with technology. She used her resources well. You can't control me anymore. You can't control the Shadowhunter anymore."

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