The Unknown

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Elena POV

I lay sleepless in my bed, my curiosity keeping me awake. I tossed and turned while Evie and Mal drifted off to sleep, but I could not just go to sleep, no way. I felt like I had to do something, an urge of sorts, so I quietly began creeping out of bed with the goal of making it out without anyone catching me, especially because there's a curfew and all.

I made sure to get up slowly as to not make any noise, but also so I wouldn't wake little Bruni up who had found a home nestled in my pillows. I slowly swung my legs over the side of my bed and slowly stood up, I began my creeping towards my wardrobe door. As I did I accessed the current situation as a whole, I'm gonna have to get dressed to go outside and everything so I'll have to be extra stealthy.

I would cringe every time Evie or Mal would shift in their slumbers even if I hadn't made an ounce of noise, but I cringed even more at my slightly creaky wardrobe door. I immediately froze at the first sound and slowly turned my head to see if either of them woke up, thankfully they hadn't so I slowly continued opening the intensely squeaky wardrobe door, next time I'll just leave my clothes out so I won't have to open this dang thing.

I successfully opened the wardrobe without waking anyone and slowly brought out a white wrap-around sweater of sorts with light blue fleece-lined leggings. I kept my hair down and threw on some white combat boots, after that I simply began tiptoeing towards the door. I was able to get to the door and open it without any creakiness ratting me out. Alright, the next step is sneaking outside specifically.

I crept into the hall and quietly shut the door, I'm not used to breaking a curfew rule since I don't have a curfew at home, but I am used to sneaking so this shouldn't be too hard. I kept on the carpeted halls as much as I could to minimize sound and listened closely to assure I was the only one in the hallway. It was eerily quiet, but it was also calming. I was able to get to the front door without anyone hearing me as a few people were patrolling it seemed, but I was able to get around them all.

I only opened the door as much as I would need before creeping out and not shutting it completely behind me in case it locked on me and tiptoed away from the door before breaking into a casual jog. I simply ran towards the ocean, but the island seemed to be all I could see. It's so mysterious, I can't help but be intrigued by it.

I got down to the ocean and looked behind me to make sure the coast was clear, then I simply quietly began to sing. My mom and I are gifted with a siren-like voice, singing and such is honestly how I communicate with the other spirits. Not to mention it's just fun to sing, therefore I sing all the time, in all sorts of different scenarios too. As I sang my soft lullaby, I saw the waves begin to pick up a little, a soft breeze brushed my hair back off my shoulders and filled the empty night. Suddenly out sprang Nokk from the waves, excitedly nickering and jumping about before simply pressing his head against me. Aww, he missed me, didn't he?

"Aw hey Nokki! Did you miss me bubs?"

He whinnied a little before beginning to scratch his head on me all over again, nearly shoving me over as he did,

"Wanna go on a bit of an adventure bubs? You see that island over there?"

I went ahead and pointed to the mysterious Isle, he nodded and looked that way,

"I wanna go see what it's about, I've asked three people now and none of them are giving me a solid answer and you know me, I like a good adventure"

Nokk nickered for a moment before kneeling one leg down and bowing, a signal for me to get on. I went ahead and trotted over to his side and swung my right leg over and sat on his back and grabbed onto some of his mane, with that he easily stood up. He spun on his back legs to turn around and began trotting into the ocean, the starry night sky above us with the moon twinkling brightly lit up the night. It's beautiful out here tonight, not a cloud in the sky and only a pleasant warm breeze filled the air.

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