Doe Eyes

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Elena POV

I tried so hard, I fought as hard as I could, but Jay didn't seem to care one bit about my distress. I was just about to see if we could bring Harry with us when suddenly Jay just grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder! I was absolutely fuming... I feel like I'm abandoning Harry!

I was being jolted around by Jay and such as he ran to wherever we were going, all the while I was causing quite the fuss as I continuously looked around. I was looking for Harry, but alas in my rather weak state I couldn't do much to stay so I could get him to come with me. My poor voice hurt so bad, I was still feeling weird from my wonderful suffocating experience, my body ached for a hot shower and a long nap not anymore action today. But... Harry doesn't deserve to be here... I wanted to help him...

"Jay just put me down!"

I tried to yell, but my voice was giving into some serious pain which made my voice crack. Those dang smoke bombs, whoever's idea that was I might just have to have a stern talking-to with! Jay's way of responding to me was simply suddenly throwing me into the... backseat of a limo? I went to quickly get out as soon as he threw me down onto a seat but before I knew it the door was slammed and locked on my face,

"Elena! Oh my gods we're so glad you're okay!"

I heard Mal shout, but I was still panicking about getting out and finding Harry! I was pulled back a little back onto the seat by Evie and Mal,

"Hey hey hey, it's okay Elle, we got you"

Evie softly spoke as the limo abruptly started. I frantically shook my head and just couldn't believe it... so much went down I have no clue what is going on anymore! All I know... is that I want Harry!

"No no no no..."

I muttered as I desperately pressed my hands against the back window trying to see out as we began speeding up and away, pleading to just see him,

"... Harry... no no let me out!"

I frantically grew more and more panicked, I've never felt this way about leaving someone before... mainly because I feel like I'm abandoning him! He could... he could die here before I ever see him again and I could've had a chance to save him right there! If Jay hadn't basically kidnapped me back I could be sitting next to him on this limo right now feeling safe knowing that he's going to be okay!

Evie and Mal took my arms and forced me back into a seat as the limo really started up. I began crying... I can't just leave him here! He's going to be abused and beaten and... and I can't do anything about that in Auradon! If he just came with then I wouldn't be so distressed!

"Elena, Elena calm down it's okay. You don't have to worry about him anymore, you're safe"

Evie said to try to ease me, but he's not! That's the thing he's not safe, I have to worry about him! I was still panicking greatly, but a happy little chirping sound immediately eased me a little. Because I was forced to sit down, little Bruni who I did miss very much crawled onto my lap and snuggled into my jacket a little,

"Bruni... oh I feel terrible..."

I muttered as I scooped him up into my palms. He laid out across my palms and sizzled a little from being without my cooling for a while, he chirped and looked up at me with sad eyes as he felt my despair, I'm just glad someone understands,

"... I left him... oh my gods I left him!"

I near shouted in anguish. He doesn't deserve to be left there, not with Uma or his dad or anyone that could hurt him! He looked so sad when Jay was carrying me away... I left him alone.... I took away the one thing that made him happy.... me.

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