Rescue Mission

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Third Person

Mal ran as far as she could, all the while she was yelling Elena's name in hopes of finding her lost friend before she'd be taken hostage. Little did Mal know it was far too late, her friend had been subdued just as Uma had been talking to her about why Harry wanted her. Or at least what Uma thought Harry wanted her for, for Harry told Uma a different story than the truth so he could get her to let Elena stay with him. In reality, Harry just wanted to have someone to care for and nurture and they'd receive his love and give it back, his last-ditch effort to get that was by kidnapping Elena and hoping she would understand him and why he's done what he's done.

Mal and Uma both believed Elena would turn into a slave, either one to do Harry's chores for him or let him have his way with her whenever he beckoned, but that couldn't be farther from the truth. He simply wished to talk to her, have her let him swaddle her in blankets and braid her hair just so she'd sing him to sleep every night and listen, maybe even say he's not crazy every once and a while to keep him sane. Harry knew no one could know that the girl exposed his sensitive, loving, and caring side, no one except Elena herself could know.

Harry carefully carried Elena's unconscious and limp body with one arm under her legs and the other supporting her back, he gazed down at her peaceful sleeping figure with a smile. Her hair dangled loosely and swayed with every one of Harry's steps as he carried her down to the lower deck of the ship. He was careful with every step, every few seconds he would look down at her with a loving gaze, completely unaware of the obvious wrongdoing he's committed, for in his mind, he's done nothing wrong. All he knew is if he wants something, he's supposed to take it. Unfortunately, that applies to even human beings. Harry himself knew that too well, for his past was one filled with people taking him as they pleased for their own wishes, the only difference here was his wishes were innocent ones.

Harry walked down the stairs and through the door that led into the common area and then down towards his room. He had a nice cell in mind for her as he didn't want to keep her restrained, so a cell would be best so she could move around unlike poor Ben who Harry casually passed by while he was asleep. Ben was chained to the wall with heavy and unpleasant chains around his wrists and ankles, Harry thought that his little ray of sunshine didn't deserve that one bit.

The cell he chose shared a wall with his own room so he could very much keep an eye on her, it was an okay sized cell with a harsh wooden bed coming off the wall being held up by chains, nothing else was really in the cell but compared to the other places for prisoners or hostages this was the best he could give her. He narrowed his eyes at the bed and decided it wasn't good enough, so he carefully walked into the cell and placed Elena on it temporarily. He slowly laid her down and held her head down the whole way to make sure he was as gentle as could be.

Harry then walked to his cabin next door and grabbed a few things, a pillow, a thin but effective foam mattress normally used for things like camping, and a thick wool blanket off of Harry's bed. He then happily trotted back to Elena's cell and carefully picked her up again to place her propped up against the wall for a moment as he made her a place to sleep that Harry thought was more suitable. He laid down the thin mattress on top of the harsh wooden plank bed and put the pillow at the top of the bed. He lightly fluffed the pillow before turning back to Elena with the wool blanket in hand. First, he carefully took off her leather jacket and shoes and put them neatly in a corner of the cell. He then carefully picked her up and was able to swaddle her in the blanket before gently laying her back down onto the bed, cooing as even in her unconscious state, once she felt the pillow under her head she seemed to smile a little bit.

Harry was content now, she was with him for as long as he wants to keep her. He slowly got himself out of her cell and carefully shut the barred door and whipped out the key to it that Uma had given him and locked it before tossing the key back into his pocket, smiling the whole way. All he was thinking was that she was his, and finally he could be happy, forever.

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