A/N :)

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Alright, I know I've been really inconsistent with uploads lately, and thank you all for being so understanding about that <3 However, I did just want to lay out why I've been so busy so you all can be ready for uploads once they really kick back up again :D

Last week I realized a lot of my classes decided to go from 0 to 100 in one week, all at once -_- Right now I take all college classes, and yes I'm still in high school.... and yes that's hard as hell XD The current hardest classes I take are geology, communications, and business, all of which have major projects due in the next four days... yup, I'm just pulling my hair out a little bit.

I had a whole plan written out today, ready to tackle everything in an orderly manner I got myself together and made a pretty huge dent in my work which was awesome... until I got to my group business presentation. Who knew even as high schoolers we still try to simply copy and paste quotes directly from articles we cite as our own answers? Yeah... that was an unpleasant surprise to uncover when I began making the actual presentation. 

So yeah, I got to go into our group chat and ask everyone to please say things in their own words... in high school... senior year is going splendidly as you can see -_-  But that meant halting everything I was doing so they can update their work which put me a day behind, but I swear if they don't do it by tomorrow then I'm putting it in anyway and they can deal with it because I feel like we're all way too old for this... I'm not a big fan of group projects can't ya tell?

I then have that speech on Tuesday, I then have a speech in communications on Wednesday while I also have a lab due on Wednesday in geology.... so this week is particularly hectic, hence why sitting down and having time to write has been nearly nonexistent, especially as I am currently working on three books right now... good job Brooke, really set yourself up for... something there XD 

But.... I. will. get. a. chapter. out. tomorrow. 

I am so determined to do so as well, I mean come on, we're so close! Stalling at this point has been so annoying for me, especially because I know very well that if I had a few days of absolutely no school work I could very well hammer out the ending of this book and the official ending to my other book so we can actually start on the next one which I'm chomping at the bit to do, like I've never been this hyped to start a book before and yet the universe is just putting every single thing in my way of getting there! I haven't even had time to design the cover yet... I actually cannot wait to graduate because this is so not cool XD

So that's just a little run down that I really wanted to give you all so you all knew I wasn't losing steam, I genuinely have just been stretched thin in the past week XD Once these projects are all done I'll have plenty of time to get everything done and I'll get a chapter out tomorrow, but just bear with me until then XD I know you all will, just because all of you are awesome and have been super supportive through this little odd period of me being ungodly busy XD

So thank you all for your support and love, I'll see you tomorrow! Until then, remember to stay hydrated and to be kind to yourself today :D


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