Harrison, My Love

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Elena POV

I buzzed around the blue decorated dorm room, Harry was on the ladder with a paintbrush in hand as he worked on a little gift for Gil as we get to go pick him up from the Isle tomorrow! Ben's let us decorate and furnish the room for him, so I'm on decorating duty while Harry's decided to whip out some of his old painting and drawing skills to paint a mural on one of the main walls, and may I say it looks amazing!

It's a scene filled with crashing waves with an epic pirate ship amongst the waves, a pirate flag flying high. I already loved the piece, but Harry was very insistent on making it as good as he can get it! He was doing highlights and lowlights, fine dark lines to trace the ship so it would stand out, all that super legit stuff!

I rearranged the desk and chair that went to is a few times before deciding on placing it by the window, I also bought him some books with my own money and placed them on the desk and the bedside drawers so he has plenty of books to practice with as he said back on the Isle. I already told Harry I would love to help teach him a bit when it came to reading and writing, not to mention help patch him up once he got here. So I think between Harry and me, Gil's gonna get some nice "sprucing up" per se when it comes to injuries and both of us are gonna help him with reading and writing, I'm just happy to be able to help!

I fluffed the pillows, fixed up the bed with fresh linen and a very warm comforter, I even put some nice essentials in the bathroom like shampoo, conditioner, body wash, fresh towels, all that sort of stuff! We've been at it for quite some time, but I'm very happy with how it's coming out!

I'm sticking with colors that Harry's been using in the mural, blues being the main color of course which I'm not complaining about, blue is one of my favorite colors! I took a moment and paused my avid designing to step back and watch Harry work, I couldn't help but smile as I watched his paintbrush flow with ease as he highlighted one of the waves with a lighter blue. He looked so content as well... lightly humming a few sea shanties as he worked I couldn't help but occasionally join him in humming if I recognized the shanty.

He has sung me a few shanties before, normally just while I need to calm down or if I can't fall asleep... but it's one of my favorite things! His voice is so beautiful, I don't think he even knows how good of a singer he really is! His voice it's... it's like if satin had a sound to it, soft, gentle, smooth, and well... has a deep Scottish accent of course! I wish he sang more often, but I think he's a little shy to it at times which I don't blame him for, it took me a while before I felt comfortable randomly singing around him so I get it!

Anyway, it's obviously been nearly a week since the first trip to the Isle since we're set to head back to pick everyone up tomorrow, and well... there's just one thing I've wanted to talk to Harry about and simply haven't gotten to it yet. I've been too busy dealing with this weird sense of anxiety that's been coming out of nowhere recently, hence why Harry's had to sing to me more often. It keeps me up at night and everything! And I don't even have really bad anxiety! But besides that... I've wanted to ask Harry about his name for a while now.

It's odd, but I feel like Harry's real, full name is Harrison and he doesn't go by it because his dad calls him that, and of course I don't want him avoiding his full name just because of that awful old man! So I watched Harry for a good moment, listening to his smooth voice lightly hum a shanty, and even giggled as he turned a bit my way and I saw that he had gotten a bit of blue paint on his cheek! Harry turned to me as I giggled, quirking a brow and tilting his head he asked,

"What's so funny over there bonnie lass?"

I giggled a bit more as he turned fully to face me, looking down from the ladder I saw more paint on his neck as well! I couldn't help but giggle a bit, I just... I think it's cute!

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