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Harry POV

I nervously tapped my foot as I sat in my last class for the day, one that Elena and I don't share so I'm a little more anxious in it compared to the ones that we do share. It's the one about woodsmen and pirates, aka one of my favorite classes. We did a test in this class a few days ago and we're getting them back today, and for once I'm a little nervous about my grade.

I don't have awful grades, I have... alright grades. I'm passing all my classes, that's all that I need right? But in this class I just feel a wee bit of pressure ta succeed, I am a pirate after all... and that's half of the class right there.

The teacher began handing out the papers, once we got our test back we were excused, so maybe I'll be able to run to Elena's class and pick her up! Aye, I don't have any homework due today... maybe if she doesn't have any due either I could take her on a little date or something. I'm sure she'd love that, maybe we could walk into town and actually go on a real date? I know it's not terribly far from here and I'm sure she'd love ta go into town for a nice dinner and maybe something after? Besides, tomorrow is a Saturday so it would be perfect ta spend the night out and sleep in!

The teacher strolled on past, pausing to hand me my paper face side down as she does with all students in case they don't want anyone ta know their grade. As she handed it ta me she quickly said,

"Well done Mr. Hook"

I raised my brow and took the paper from her to flip it over... holy fuck! I got a 97/100, not bad at all! In fact... rather surprising! I think that may be the best grade I've ever gotten, how great! Now that has just put me in a marvelous mood that's for sure, I'm in the mood ta take my wonderful and amazing girlfriend out on a nice little night out that's for certain! I smiled rather widely and carefully tucked the paper into my binder before putting it back in my bag. I then swiftly stood up and slung it around my shoulder and marched on out of the classroom.

I then absolutely booked it down the hall to make it to Elena's last class which is with Fairy Godmother, so she's very punctual about letting everyone out exactly when the bell rings. So I jogged a bit ta make it, but I knew it was worth it as I was able to jog right up to the door right as I could hear Fairy Godmother's chirpy voice talking about having a good weekend and such. I leaned on the wall right beside the door and simply smiled and waited, my heartbeat slowly increasing in speed as I heard the chairs in the classroom push back and people began to exit.

It took a few moments, but it isn't hard to spot Elena as she walked out since her shining platinum white hair stood out in the crowd. She looked the other way as she was headed to go to my class as she normally does, but I simply reached down and gently grabbed her hand and decided to be a little extra special. I already heard a light gasp as she was just about ta look back at me to see who had grabbed her hand of course, but as she gasped I decided to playfully spin her round over ta me which made her squeak a bit until I spun her right into me. She looked up at me as I slipped my arm fully around her and already her smile became beaming,

"Harry! You're out of class early aren't you?"

She chirped, I chuckled a bit and nodded as I quickly leaned down to give her a simple kiss on the forehead since I know how much she loves those,

"Mhm, got released a wee bit early after getting my test back. Somehow I got a ninety-seven on it"

Elena suddenly lit up and grinned even wider than she was before and kinda flung her arms around my neck for a quick hug,

"Oh Harry that's wonderful! I knew you'd do great on it!"

Aw..... I just am still rather taken aback at times just because I'm still not really used ta having someone believe in me so much. But of course, I hugged her back and smiled like a complete idiot at her being so happy for me,

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