Spirit Of The Elements

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Third Person

-About fifteen years ago-

Elsa held her young babe safely in her arms with her lover's arm protectively around her waist as they ventured up the rocky steep. The babe occasionally reached up through the baby blue blanket she was swaddled in and would grab at the sky and coo, every time she did Elsa would gently nudge her lover, Alexander, so he would see the little girl reaching up at nothing.

This time, the babe reached up with both hands and seemed to grab something and pull it into her, further concerning her mother she let out a happy little giggle and released the imaginary thing into the air with a little puff of snow. Alexander peered down at his daughter as she did this, smiling a little bit at her happy expression, but frowning some as he looked up to see his dear Elsa looking rather worried,

"Elsie? Are you sure this is the right thing to do?"

Alexander calmly questioned as he guided them through the woods as they traveled deeper into it. Elsa perked up at the sound of the familiar nickname he had given her and took a sigh, looking back down at her baby who's eyes were dancing around as if she were witnessing a light show, but there was nothing there to them,

"It has to be, I'm just so worried Alexander... I don't believe I did any of what she does as a child and I just want to make sure something isn't wrong, especially magic-wise, and if anyone can tell it's going to be them. They helped me, they have to be able to help her"

Alexander took a deep sigh and leaned further into Elsa's space to simply take a closer look at his little Ellie as he liked to call her. It was rare he called her by her full name, so he smiled at the sight of her curious little eyes looking all over the place before they steadied onto him. She grabbed out at him with one hand, cooing and squeaking as a way to tell her dad that she wanted him as she hadn't gotten the hang of using her vocal cords to make any words yet. So Alexander took his spare hand and carefully held it over the babe who latched onto one of his fingers with her small hand,

"I know Ellie, we're almost there. I think she's just about tired of the walk"

Alexander said with a light-hearted chuckle as he tried to ease Elsa's nerves, but she could only let out an airy chuckle. Alexander was certain there was nothing truly wrong with little Elena, but he could tell something was... different per se. Elsa was more worried about something being genuinely wrong with her, the way she seemed to interact with things that no one else could see, or how when she'd be left in her crib alone for five minutes and be found with water dripping from the side of the crib and in a completely different position than before, or even one time where she had a tantrum so bad Elsa swore she felt the ground shake. It was all too much for the mother, as for Elena's father, he simply believed Elena may have more than simply ice and snow powers like her mother. Between the two of them, something like that was bound to happen.

Regardless, Elsa sought out the most professional help she knew when it came to magic, especially Elena's kind. The trolls, the ones who helped Elsa understand her power, helped heal Anna from her first magic-related injury, and of course, helped free the Northuldra people with their wisdom. It had been quite a while since Elsa has visited, being a mom was her new biggest priority and she'd taken that so seriously that she hasn't taken any true time away from Elena since she was born, especially once she began to fear something was wrong with her. As for Alexander, he still had work to do, but when he wasn't working he was at home taking care of Elena and Elsa, he tried his hardest to get her to take a break for even a second but Elsa had been very reluctant. They did make a compromise however, when Alexander could, he would put Elena to bed and read her a little bedtime story. The only time he didn't put her to bed was when he was at work late.

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