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I used to think you took my breath away, I lied I was choking on your bullshit. Give me the strength to throw your heart away, You don’t even deserve it.

Caden's Point of View.

I never thought I'd be here, in Italy, but here I am, and I'm here for the woman I love, Fiona Guinevere Kings. Danielle's announcement of Fiona's state made me decide to come see her.

She has been in a Coma for Four weeks now. Dr Lavender Steel definitely didn't want me gone but I promised her I'll return, and my family --- still weird as fuck to say that out loud --- which consists of Josephine, Micah, Kai, Lizabeth, Landon, Caroline, Paris, Davina, and Jem are all concerned that Fiona is sick, so they backed me up, only after the Doctor's clearance.

I don't know why I'm here, I really don't know, this is not Disney, and I'm definitely not a Prince, neither is Fiona a Princess, she's a fucking Queen, and I, well, I'm just a guy.

Italy is really large and so beautiful. I'm in a personal plane, The Jovanni's.

"Are you okay?" Danielle asks as we get into the extra large elevator taking us to Fiona's room.

"Just nervous."

"Okay." She smiles.

We reach the 5th floor, and we get out of the elevator, I stare and I see men -- Deja Vu floods me -- standing, probably bodyguards, they are looking ahead, with guns tucked in, I shift with unease.

One walks to us "Ciao Danielle." He says, staring at her breast shamelessly.

"Stefano, this is Cade." and he shifts his eyes to me, slight recognition flashes through them.

"Hello Cade, I'm Stefano. The bodyguard. Follow me." and we do.

We reach a door, Stefano turns to us "Here." He says, and he walks away.

"She's going to be okay, Cade." Danielle says and she opens the door, and we walk in.

There she lays, with her eyes closed, it's just like she's asleep, but I know she isn't. I walk close to her, and NY heart breaks, on her head lay a scar, how many more scars will she have?. Tiny cuts all over her face, knowing Fiona she'll count them each.

Her arm and foot is bandaged. I stare at her for the first time in six months, and all I want to do is take her in my hands, but I can't, she's so fragile.

A clearing of throat diverts my attention, and I look to see everyone in the room, Oh God.

Chuckling, Danielle says "Pardon his manners."

She walks me to a woman, probably in early mid 40s, carrying a baby, recognition sparks.

"Cade, My Mom, Fiorre, and my brother, Luciano. Mom, My friend, Cade." Danielle introduces.

"Hello, Fiorre." I smile.

"We meet again." She says, a smile on her face, Luciano is quietly sleeping.

"Cade, My . . ." She pauses, staring at the Red haired man, he looks so intimidating. "My Dad, Sinister. ." I hear gasps from around the room. "Dad, Cade, Fiona's boyfriend."

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