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°I feel like something is broken in me and I don't know how to fix it°


🎶Grab my hands I'm drowning

I feel my heart pounding

Why haven't you found me yet?

I hold you so proudly

Traumas they surround me

I wish you'll just love me back🎶

Chapter Six

+Caden's Point of View+

"Mel" I smile at my elder sister as she frowns at me

"Caden, were you reading my texts?" She ask angrily

"I wasn't. I totally didn't read the part he said he loved you and you told him you love him, just like you love everybody" I grin

"Caden!" She screams, freeing her white from it's messy bun

"Whaaat" I say still smiling

"You shouldn't do that" She say feigning annoyance

I stare at her face, not saying a word till I whisper teasingly "You can smile, I know you want to"

"I'm angry with you. I'm your elder sister"

"Duh, I'm 7, you're 12"

"5 years Caden" She say still holding her smile in

"Duh" and with that I jump on her, tickling her

"Stop Caden" She say in between laughter

"Say you're sorry" I say cheekily

"Caden. Stop. I'm serious" She say trying to be serious but failing miserably

"Okkayy, I'm sor -- Victor, stop Caden!" She say when she spots Victor, her twin brother. I smile mischievously knowing Victor won't save her

He smile as he sit watching us "No. Can't do sister, we boys got to have each other's back" he grins

"Oh shut up, that's not even how it s -- Ha! Caden, stop."

"Just say it" I say still tickling her ribs

"I'm s -- sorry, okay!. Now stop tickling me" She say still laughing

Grinning victoriously, I stand up from her

"That wasn't so hard, was it?" Victor say grinning at us

"Oh shut up. Vic, Caden I'm not sorry!" with that she runs, I watch her running as her white hair sparkle

"Get her!" Victor say laughing

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