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The things you hide in your heart eats you alive.


🎶That I'd end up so caught up in need of your demons
That I'd be lost without you leading me astray
Guess that I'm a fool for the way that you caught me
you make my heart break more every day
But don't fade away🎶

Chapter Twenty Five

+Fiona's Point of View+

"Why are we going to the hospital again?" Cara said, really bored.

My mind was all over the place. "Because my boss and friend, Elizabeth has gone into Labor."

"and we are going because?" She persisted. I can't take this shit right now.

"Look Cara, I love you and all, but can you please shut the fuck up." I snapped, and that was it. She shut up. Danielle and Vee were silent, well Danielle was driving so she had to concentrate, but Violet, strange.

We finally got to the hospital, and we, well, I jumped out. We passed through the required procedures, and we were directed to Lizzie's room.

There she was, cradling two little tiny babies. She wasn't alone, Landon sat beside her crying, I had to hold in a chuckle. Penelope, Micah, Hope and Jo were all there staring at the babies. Caroline and her twin brother -- who I hadn't seen in a while -- Caleb were at the far end of the room, probably giving the family space. Kai sat, touching his sister's leg, and Caden, well, I couldn't see his facial expressions with his back to me.

Danielle announced our arrival by smacking a gum, all heads turn to us, mine found Caden's, we found each other.

"Eh Hello," Violet chuckled, oh no. "I know you all are wondering why we are here. That's a good question because we are here to support uh. . .our boss's sist -- no, I mean our boss's si -- shit, I repeated it again, our sister's boss. . .uh. . because. .uh. .she. . okay I'll just shut up."

I smiled at her ramble, I was about to talk when Danielle said "Hi Landon"

Landon grinned, wiped his tears, regaining his masculinity, only to throw it away seconds later. He got up, walking to Danielle.

"My God angelo, you look fantastic, all thanks to me. It compliments your eye beautifully."

His gaze shifted to Violet. "My, my, my, Darling, I'm a miracle worker. This messy bun just need a little this and this" He said as he adjusted Violet's hair.

I kept my gaze on Caden, God, I love him so much, I felt my eyes blur and I cleaned the tears away before it could fall, his eyes snapped to me instantly.

"Magnifico," Landon said as he stood before Cara "That's how you look."

He walked back to Lizzie, who was staring with amusement. "Babe, these are the angels I spent a week with in Italy."

Lizzie chuckled as she said "I figured. Hi girls."

"Hi." Danielle and Cara said, but Violet jumped in excitement as she squeaked.

"Hi Elizabeth, gosh you look tired," She moved closer to Lizzie "but it's all worth it, look at these cute little babi -- gosh! They are girls!" She clapped.

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