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Well I found a man, stronger than anyone I know

He shares my dreams, I hope that someday we'll share a home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own


Fiona's Point of View

A couple of year later.

Caden lied

He said he wouldn't propose over marry me chicken, but he did. We were having dinner at his condo with everyone. The Jovannis, The Crowns, The Kings, The Parkers, The Saltzmans, The Balders, The McNamaras.

It was the night of our graduation, and he cooked for us all. Everyone was served except me. He walked in with my dish, and I felt faint, there laid a question,

★“Will you marry me”★

Of course, I said yes.

Appreciate, my wedding has been planned. I almost fainted when the girls told me all they had under control. I need to find the right dress, and I did.

My wedding date is July, seven, twenty - twenty four, a day after Caden's birthday. My wedding is today.

"I'm so nervous."

"Chill." Nina says.

"You'll be fine." Violet smiles.

"You're getting married." Cara says in disbelief.

"Of course, she is." Danielle grins.

Over the past years, we've grown stronger, and well, popular. I'm certain paparazzi are tryna find the venue.

I stare at myself in the mirror, my long black hair, and my wedding gown. Caden will shit his pants when he sees me. I grin mischievously.

The girls bid my farewell as they leave to takes their position.

Nathan and Sinister walk in, and I feel the emotions rush me. They are walking me down the aisle.

"Mia figlia, la tua bellezza mi stordisce, sempre" Sinister says, and it takes everything in me not to cry.

"I don't know what that is, but Sister, you're banging. " Nathaniel says making me laugh.

Cade invited my family, I love him so much. When I told Dad he couldn't walk me down the aisle, he cried, and he asked for forgiveness, then he accepted. I love them, I really do, but Nathan and Sinister have been more of a father than he could ever be.

Slowly, we walk down the aisle. Caden sees me, and he stumbles. Yes!. The crowd goes wild at his expression.

I tune everyone out as I stare at my man.

"I love you." Cade begins. "I love you so much. We are all a little damaged, there's actually something broken in us all, but not beyond repair" He smile, and I tear up, knowing exactly what he's saying.

"We just need to find the right person who is the right fit for us, someone whose broken pieces fits us, and we'll be made whole. You, Fiona Guinevere Kings, you make me whole, and I'm so fucking in love with you, and I'm ready to spend the rest of my life loving you."

"Oh God. " The tears are here.

"Here you go, bitch." Nina says as she hands me the tissue.

Chuckling, I say "Oh, Caden. My vow ain't shit compared to yours." I dap the tissue on my face, and he laughs.

"I love you, man. Always and forever, and I love loving you. Loving you has done me good, and I don't want to ever stop loving you. Loving you has healed, mended and made me. You're my sun, my moon, my best friend, and you'll be my husband, my baby daddy. Daddy, I love you. I fucking love you, words can't explain."

He kisses me right here and now, and I fall a little more in love.


"You cursed a lot, Mrs Kings - Manchester." Willa's Mom says, with a grin.

"Spur of the moment." I laugh.

"And you called him Daddy, we have children here. " She laughs

"Don't worry, I'll punish her." Caden winks.

"Oh you horny dogs." She laughs out loud as she walks away.

We walk to our friends.

"Daddy, really?" Violet laughs.

"Horny bitch." Nina adds, and I bend over laughing.

Will doesn't take his eyes off Nina, and I smile. Considering she caught the bouquet, she might he getting married soon.

"I'm so happy for you guys." Willa says, and I notice the absence of her second brother.

"Like gurlll, you're married." Cara grins, then she smacks my ass. "Best friend, my foot. I'm your best friend, not Cade." She glares playfully, and we all laugh.

A sleek green car drives in, and we all watch as it packs. No one expected what came next, Damon and Xavier gets out of the car, Danielle and Violet visibly freeze.

Talk about wrong timing.

Author's note.


Thank you everyone. Thank you so much. Thank you for the happiest year of my life. Thank you for joining me in telling Caden and Fiona's love story.
Thank you for listening to my rant. Thank you for reading.

There are questions still unanswered
Let's get all the answers, at least, almost, in my next book -- Dynasty, which will feature our long lost friends -- Damon and Xavier.

What next after the happily ever after? What next for Fiona and Caden?
Find out in my new book, Dynasty.

Happy New Year.

Thank you.

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