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️⚜️I'll never be the same.
You're in my blood, you're in my veins, you're in my head. You're in my blood, you're in my veins, you're in my head.️⚜

Fiona's Point of View

"I'm leaving Italy." Xaviero says, his grip on the glass of bourbon tightens.

Gulping down the whole glass, I say "Why? This is your home, right?"

Snorting, Damon sucks in the cigarette's smoke "Yeah, right."

"Are you leaving too?" Cara asks Damon as Nikl -- Nikolas braids her hair.

"Definitely. Old sins have long shadows." He says, blowing out the cigarette smoke. I hate cigarettes, but seeing Damon beautifully smokes it, I'll have to reconsider.

Pouring myself another glass of bourbon, I say "Why?"

"Luca." Nikolas says, and no further explanation is needed.

"And I'm not comfortable here in Italy, they are certain places I can't go because they might be there." Xaviero says.

I notice he said they, not she, he and Violet were pretty close.

"Why can't you just see them? Rekindle the old spark between you and Danielle, and Reunite with Violet. We've missed you, we've missed Alex and Hale, or should I say Celino and Alessandro." and I dump the whole content down my throat.

"No, I can't. I have to finish this, I have come this far, it can't all be for nothing." Xaviero states.

"We have to finish this." Damon corrects, and I frown.

"Who was Belle to you?" and the whole room stills. I've wanted to ask for a while, Liquor courage.

"La mia anima gemella." He whispers and I frown, I really need to learn Italia.

"What?" I say.

"His Soulmate. Belle was his soulmate." Xaviero voice cracks as he says his sister's name.


"You have a package ma." Stefano says as he hands a black envelope to Cara. Xaviero and Damon stares at it with curiosity, so do I.

"Private guys, Private." Cara says, and I roll my eyes as she opens it. Moving close to her, I recognize the handwriting; Konstantino's, but I can't read a damn thing, it's written in Greek, I didn't know Cara can read Greek, Konstantino is writing to her in Greek, what language does he not speak?.

Cara blushes, putting the envelope in her bra.

"Ooh." Damon whistles, making Cara's face redder.

"It's like that eh." I say to her.

"You know I'll tell you, but not here, not yet." She smiles, and in the that moment Nikolas walks in.

"Tell her what?"

"Nothing. Just girl talk." I smile.

"Okay." He raised his hand in surrender.

Damon disposes of his used cigarettes, lighting another. Closing his eyes in pleasure, he smokes it.

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