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⚜  Who's picking us apart for fun. . .why am I on the bedroom floor? Paranoia and painkillers, washing away all these feelings.

Fiona's Point of View

It's 1:00am.

Caden's birthday.

My hands run throug dail pad but i cant bring myself to call him, what will say?

Hey Caden, it's me, Fiona, uhmm, in case you've forgotten, Fiona Guinevere Kings, ehm, your vanilla, I mean you call me Vanilla, not all the times though, just sometimes, I'm tryna say it's I, Fiona.

Laughing bitterly, I stand.


Caden was with me throughout my birthday, he was loving me, loving me so much. Slowly, I sink to the the ground, resting my back on the bed. Happy Birthday, Caden, I whisper, and slowly, I drift off.

1:52 am.

I wake, abdominal cramps wakes me, and instantly I know, my God forsaken period.

"Ahhrg!" I scream, throwing my phone, I hear shattering noises but I don't look. I'm just so. . sad.

"Fiona, you okay in there?" I hear Violet's voice, it's so soft and that just makes me sadder. We've not had a proper conversation since Cara's birthday, and it's all my fault.

Slowly, the door opens. "Hey babe."

I look at her, biting my lips to hold in tears. "Hey Violet." and I break down, I fall to the ground, clinching my chest, crying. Seconds later, I feel warmth around me, she's comforting me, and it just makes me cry more

"It's okay. Let it out, Fiona." and I do.

Slowly, the tears die down. "Today's Caden's birthday." I whisper.

We sit beside each other. "Do you want me to call him for you?" She asks.

I look at her excited "You can?"

She smiles, her amber eyes twinkling "Of course. I can." and I grin, ignoring my cramps, happiness blooming in me.

She's about to dial his number when we hear "I hate you!" Danielle's voice.

"Oh, oh." Violet and I say together.

I stare at the time, 2:15, and in our Pyjamas we rush downstairs.


Sinister, Cara, Nikolas and Fiorre are all staring at Danielle.

She's in a lacy night wear, and I see Stefano stealing glances at her. Fiorre's face is one scrunched in disbelief.

"So che non lo intendi" Fiorre whispers, and it only fuels Danielle's anger.

"Don't speak Italia to me! and I mean it, I hate you Mom, I hate everyone here, I hate you so fucking much!"

"Oh my God." I whisper, so do Violet.

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