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I spent a long time watering a plant made out of plastic.⚜


Fiona's Point of View

"Bitch, wake up."

I hear, but I ignore, I'm not a bitch and I definitely don't wanna get up. I'm so tired, I've lost sense of time and space, I mi --

"Fuck!" I yell as hit the ground with my nose, it's probably broken and bleeding.

"I told you to fucking get up. Get the shit out of my house, moi madre will be here any fucking minute."

I get up, with a bleeding nose, as I stare at the person in front of him, looks. . . Italian. Of course, he does, I'm in Italy, he's a fucking Italian, but what the shit is going on?.

"What?" I voice in confusion, where the fuck am I?.

"Cagna. You are fucking clueless. Three words. Partito - Tequila - Sex. Now that that's done, get out!." He yells.

Can this fucker just shut the fuck up. I blink as it all comes together, I had a one night stand -- again --, he's kicking me out of his house because his madre is coming, my nose is fucking broken and bleeding, oh, and let's not forget he just called me a cagna, a fucking slut, wonderful, wonderful Fiona.

I turn as I pick my phone, which is thankfully still on, and filled with missed calls, messages, and voice notes from Cara and the girls. I bend, picking up my gold heels, where exactly in Italy am I?.

"Can you hurry the fuc --"

"Keep your mouth shut if you don't want me to slit your throat and watch as you fucking bleed to death, you mother won't like that, will she?" I sneer at him, and he pales, keeping his mouth shut.

Smirking, I head out of the sex infested room, I walk closer to the door, desperate to get out of this stench when the door slams open, with Cara and Damon on the other side.

"Hi." I squeak out.

Cara's face is stone cold, she's so angry, shit. Damon gives me a once over, shaking his head in disbelief.

"My job here is done, again." He says, emphasizing on again. He retreats, walking out of my sight, probably disgusted, who wouldn't?.

Cara gaze shifts to my broken, bruised and bleeding hea -- nose, and in that same moment, he walks in, sees Cara.

"Cara Jovanni?, Threesome?" He asks incredulously.

I roll my eyes, I really should get used to Cara and Danielle popularity shit.

"I'll really like to fuck a celebrity, but I can't right now, moi madre will soon be back, so get the shit out." He says, eyeing Cara's cleavage.

Cara turns to him, clenches her jaw.

"Cara," I say, hoping to get her attention, and I do. She turns to me, walks closer, bends her head, scrutinizing my bleeding nose.

"What happened to your nose?" She asks calmly, too calm. I'm really fucked.

I am about to shrug it off when the fucker says "Oh, that, I pushed the cagna off moi madre bed, didn't really mean to p -- " but he is cut short with Cara's fist hitting his face, he falls flat on the ground, out.

"Cara" I say disapprovingly, she really needs to stop hitting everyone.

"Let's go." She says to me, and she walks outside the house, only to bump into an old woman.

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