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I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending.
You're not my homeland anymore, so what am I defending now?
You were my town, now I'm in exile, seein' you out.

Fiona's Point of View

Little Mix's Sweet Melody has been on repeat for the past hour. Danielle and Cara twerking maniacally, Violet humming. PS: Cara's still not talking to me.

I've been back home for 5 days, and everything looks normal, no argument, no shits, yet, except for the scar on my face, we are back to our routine. It's Sunday, the 23rd of August, 2021.

"He would lie, he would cheat, over. ." Vee sings along as Sweet Melody begins the sixth time.

A little bit irritated, I pause the song "Stop listening, it's sad. Jesy left." I whine.

"A little late for this, don't you think. It's been months, Get over it." Cara says.

"And she left for her mental health which is awesome by the way." Violet says as she sits beside me on the floor. Danielle and Cara murmur in agreement as they sit on the floor too.

"What's really wrong, Fiona. I'm still angry by the way." Cara says.

"When does B. U. resumes?" I ask, and they grin.

Brown University, an Ivy League University in Rhode Island, I can't believe I'm agreeing to this. Fiorre made me promise, She said she'll pay half the bills, Nathan said he'll pay the other half. The thought of me continuing my studies in another school scares me, but it's something I have to do.

"September 6." Dee says.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Violet asks.

I rub my hands together. "I don't know."

"I still can't believe you didn't know where we study, How do you think we were able to visit you so often?" Cara says, and I feel ashamed.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"We're not angry." Violet smiles.

"Do you really want to attend B. U., Fiona. You chose Gotham University because of Caden, I don't want you to feel your choice are being influenced again, if you don't want to attend Brown University, it's okay, there are other choices, and if you want to stay in Italy, you can. So you have to chose Fiona, chose freely." Dee says.

I stare at her, tears cloud my vision. "Oh, Danielle" and I can't help it as the tears fall. "You've grown so much." I whisper between tears, and it's the truth, this Danielle is so different from Smallville's Danielle.

"Thanks." She blushes.

I think about it.

chose freely.

live guinevere.


"Brown University, here I come." I smile, and they all break into cheer.

"Tell me about your University lives." I smile.

"Mine is pretty easy. I'm studying Theatre, Arts and Performance studies. We have an apartment off campus, there's an extra room for you." Cara smiles.

"I'm a concurrent candidate, studying two courses at the same time. I'm studying Comparative Literature and English, can be hard sometimes, but I chose it." Violet explains.

"And, I, I'm a dual enrollment student. Ivy League Universities do not accept dual enrollment under any circumstances, but Mom pulled strings, and I got in. I'm studying in Harvard and Brown, Accounting and Business Manager respectively." Danielle grins.

"Wow." I breathe.

"You'll continue Psychology, right?" Violet asks.

"Yup. Clinical Psychology."

We are silent for a while till Cara says "Not intruding, but have you listened to Cade's recording?"

Caden. I smile "Yes, I have."

"You okay?" Violet asks.

"I'll be." I say. Seconds pass, then I say "He OD." from the lack of surprises on their faces, I'm aware that they know, so I continue.

"Caden overdosed, what if he died?" I whisper, my eyes stinging with tears.

"He came here from New York few hours after he woke up, just to see you, I'm quite sure he's fine." Danielle says, and I smile, he really did.

"In other news, Caroline is pregnant." Violet and Cara let out loud gasps.

"Danielle didn't tell you?" I ask, confused.

"I forgot." She shrugs.

"She is preggy, Kai is the baby daddy, not for long though because they are getting married soon. Caden is the godfather to Jem, the beautiful baby."

Cara and Violet smiles joyfully.

"I wanna dye my hair." Cara says.

"Wanna rejoin the club?" Danielle chuckles.

"Let's all dye our hair at the same time." Cara proposes.

"Again?" Violet says.

"Yes. Mine will be black, matte black." Danielle smiles, twisting her grey coloured hair.

"Mine will be grey." Violet smiles, then winks at Danielle.

"I'll go blonde." Cara announces with a massive grin.

"I'll cut mine." I say quietly, they all look at me, were probably thinking I'd keep it to cover my scar or do a fringe, but no.

"It's getting too long," and Caden was supposed to cut it for me. I run my hands  through it.

"I'll cut it, keep it that way, then, I'll dye it blue."

"Amazeballs!" Violet grins, clapping her hands like a child, her beautiful energy is contagious, It's been long seeing her as excited as this.

"He use to sing me sweet melodies. . ." They all begin to sing, and I can't help but join in.


Thank you for reading. Have a blessed night 😊.

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