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Say you'll remember me, standing in a nice dress,
Staring at the sunset, babe, red lips and rosy cheeks.
Say you'll see me again, even if it's just pretend.

Caden's Point Of View

I'm home alone, looks like they trust me a lot , either way, I'm home alone. It's a Sunday, Jo and Micah went to church, so I'm home alone, and I absolutely don't know what to do, I'm bored, really bored.

Should I get a new tattoo? Nah, Jo would frown on that, and I don't want to socialize or talk to anyone that isn't Family.

Speaking of Family, I have one now, I'm not as alone as I thought. There's No, Micah, Kai, Landon, Lizzie, Penelope, Hope, Davina and Paris, Saphire, Emilia, Rose. I have a Family, a group of people that care about me, group of people I care about, this is nice.

Getting up from my bed, I leave my room, I really need to pack, considering in a week's time, I'll be in UCLA, it's both exciting and dreadful at the same time.

I check the time, 10:42am, the church closes in less than an hour, what can I do?, I'm so bored out of my mind. I begin to pace the living room, and then my eyes drift to the kitchen, hmm, I enter, it's neat and fully stocked, I can cook anything I want, so I do.


11:20am, and I'm done with everything.

I'm a messy cook, so I had to clean the kitchen and take a quick bath. I was going to make lunch just for me, but I changed my mind, I made lunch for the whole house and more, I packed for The Saltzman, and Kai.

"Peace be unto this house."

I hear, and I smile, they're home.

"So much babies." I hear hope say.

"Does that bothers you, sweetie?" Elizabeth asks.

Quietly, I walk to the Living Room to see a full house, everyone.

"Cade." Landon smiles.

"Hey man." I bump shoulder with him. "Wasn't expecting a full house." I say.

"Just thought we should get together." Jo says, removing her earrings.

I stare at everyone, and I feel awkward as they start a conversation.

"How was your day, Cade?" Lizzie asks, I stare at everyone as they wait for my answer.

"I cooked." I blurt out.

"I love you." Caroline grins, Kai chuckles.

Awkwardly scratching my head, I say "I wasn't expecting  a full house, so I packed for you guys." I gesture to Lizzie and Caroline.

Ignoring the gazes, I say "I'll go unpack." and I head to the Kitchen.

"You need some help, Cade?" I hear and I jump.

"Shit, Hope, don't scare me." I release a harsh breath.

"Sorry." She says, and I smile, these past weeks, I've slowly become friends with everyone including little Hope.

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