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°A little part of him doesn't want to be alone in the darkness°


🎶 I'm still learning to love myself, I'm still learning to love myself

And I try, and I try, to remember sometimes

If I breath it's alright, somethings don't change

I'm still learning to love myself 🎶

Chapter Eleven

+ Caden's Point of View+

The cold breeze hit my skin, making goosebumps rise all over me. I take a sharp breath as I stare at Fiona Fucking Kings, it's funny how I've given her a middle name, I don't even know her middle name, there are a lot of things about her that I don't know, just like she doesn't know about me, a lot of undiscovered facts.

Numerous questions run through my mind, Who are her parents?, Her Family?. Does she have any siblings?. Who the hell is Fish, I mean, Finn?, Who is he to her?, an ex boyfriend?. Deep down I know I'm the partial cause of all these, back in Smallville I didn't ask personal questions about her, whenever she starts to talk about herself, I change the topic. I want to take from Fiona without giving, and with this fierce look on her face, it's quite impossible

"Keys" She said firmly

I blinked my eyes to realize we are already at my Apartment. I opened the doors as we step inside, I cleared my throat awkwardly as I say "Should I make you hot coffee?"

"No. I like the cold" She responded, not staring at me

We sit on the couch, I was expecting her to start biting her nails, but she doesn't, instead she shifts closer to me, too close, as she say "Caden"

I look at her, and I swear to God, I forgot how to breath, I've never met someone as pure and innocent as Fiona, despite her innocence, there's a bit of wildness, a hint of the devil in her eyes. She's Captivating, I could stare at her face all day, my hand itch to run through her black hair, but I restrain myself, I shouldn't push my luck

"Take a picture, I hear they last longer" She smiled

I couldn't hold a smile in as I close the distance between us, burying my face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her addictive scent, Cedarwood and Pine "A picture can not do justice to your beauty" I murmured, my lips on her skin, how bad I want to suck on it, mark her, so every one would know she's mine, but Is she really mine?. I pull away, scratching my head

"Caden, When I tell you things about me, I want the gesture to be reciprocated" She said firmly

"Reciprocated?" I said confused

"Yes. We give specific informations about ourselves. I don't really. . . I don't know you Caden, and some. . .most of your actions confuse me, I need it to be cleared" She said, the firm look still in her face

I chuckled humorlessly "So you don't want to give without something in return?"

"Call it whatever you want" She said, her voice turning cold, now I know why she likes the cold, there's a bit of ice in her soul

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