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And when I leave you I stop looking for heaven, cause I found a piece of it wrapped up in your presence
Oh with you and I there's love so divine, on my darkest day I know you'll be my shine
When the world is caving, baby you're my safe haven, and when it all comes crashing I remember you laughing


Fiona's Point of View

"Got all these time on our hands, might as well cancel our plans. " I put finishing touch to my lip gloss as I sing.

"Your happiness light up the room." Violet smiles.

"She has been thoroughly fucked. " Nins grin, and I chuckle.

"I have to get to work." I say, picking up my purse.

"Which one?" Danielle looks up from her book. She's been overworking herself lately. Sinister is putting pressure on her.

"Both." I smile, buckling my sandals. I smothen my blue gown, it matches my hair.

I walk outside.

C - Blue really is your colour.

I grin. Sneaky Danielle. There he is, leaning on a blue car, wearing a blue shirt.

"I thought blue is my colour."

He carries me in his arm, and spins.

"Caden!" I squeal. "Put me down."

"Aye Aye, Captain." He places my feet down only to plant his lips on mine.

"I fucking love you. " He murmurs.

"I fucking love you too." I grin.


"Vanilla, this is my Condo. Well, one of them. "

"You're probably hungry. I got you covered." He says, and he spends the next thirty five minutes making pasta and meatballs. Watching him cook is absolutely divine.

We both eat in silence, and while washing the plates, Deja Vu floods me.

After, we walk to his bedroom.

"Tell me about your family." I ask, and he does. He talks and I listen, my heart bleeds for Axel. He tells  me about his drug addiction, how a simple wake up call helped him, how a strange Italian man helped him in a weird way, he describes him, and I smile.

"Konstantino." I smile.

"How do you know?"

"He's Cara's. . .friend." I explain.

"Cara. She loves me. " He grins in mock shock.

"Everyone does." I laugh.

I tell him about Italy, the Street racing, my failed attempts at an orgasm, the night of my accident. He tells me how he got arrested, his Nigerian friend, his past struggles.

I tell him mine, he traces my facial scar and loves every bit of them.

He tells me his source of wealth, inherited and earned. I tell him my blooming career as a makeup artist, he tells me about the massive sale of his art work. I tell him about Luciano, Sinister, Nina.

We talk till evening, and then we made love, sweet sensual love, filled with promises and apologies, then we fell asleep in each other's arms, best sleep I've ever had in months.


"Why  didn't you tell me?" I ask her.

She smiles "If I had, we wouldn't be here, would we?"

"I feel if you had, perhaps we would have gotten together faster."

"Perhaps." She smiles.

I catch her up on everything that has happened, and it doesn't feel like talking to a shrink, but a friend. I bid Chynna farewell, and I make my way to Nero, the restaurant my girls and I are meeting.

I pull up there, and I walk inside.

"Good day, I'm Celeste. Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes. For Dynasty." The name Danielle founded, according to her, She's building a dynasty.

"Right this way, Ma'am." and I follow her to a private zone.

"Look who decided to show up. " Cara teases.

"Pregnant Chynna talks a lot." I smile as I sit. I order a glass of fresh vine wine, and I sip.

"Violet, how has the blog being?" Danielle asks as we all eat.

"Pretty good. I have two million active followers. My Instagram is growing too, with seven million followers, and counting. I'm thinking of publishing my drafts."

"Which one?" Nina asks.

"Lavender, Sugar or Love. I'm still deciding. Cara, your turn."

"Well, I got the gig."

We stare at her in shock.

"I got the lead role in Sinner and the Sin, and Colleen Hoover's It Ends With Us. "

"Wow. " I grin, "I got the deal." They look at me. "I got partnered with Selena's Rare Beauty. Now, WillaBrand, Rare Beauty and Fiona G. K. are in a partnership."

"Holy Shit, bitch." Nina chuckles. "Anyway, Elizabeth made me the head of SPEAK here."

I did not see that coming.

"And, I've signed a contract with Extreme Photos, yes, that's the biggest Photo studio in the damn world!"

"You go girl!" Danielle yells, and we all laugh.

"Dad made me COO." She says, and this is the biggest shock of all. "He made me COO. When we get to Italy, I'll be publicly appointed." She says cautiously.

Moments passes, then Cara jumps."Oh my fucking freaking God!!" and we all burst into laughter

Life's good.

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