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I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm a hundred percent that bitch, even when I'm crying crazy
Yeah, I got boy problems, that's the human in me,
Bling bling, then I solve 'em, that's the goddess in me

Fiona's Point of View

"You live in a Condo!" Nina yells.

"Hush, Nins, It's 3 in the morning." Violet says quietly.

I smile, She just called her Nins.

"It's not like you have neighbors." She rolls her eyes.

"We do, Are you that drunk?" I smile, even though I'm a little tipsy.

"You didn't even drink that much. It's a Condo, fenced, there are others beside us. " Danielle explains to Drunk Dumbass Nina.

Cara presses the Code, and we go in.

"Wow, this place is nice." Nina says, trying and failing to hold her excitement in.

"It's Home, You're Home Nins." Violet smiles as she falls to the couch, we follow, including Nina.

"Thank you Guys, thank you so much." I think I hear Nina say, but I'm not sure, I surrender to sleep.


"So she's studying two courses." Nina says in amazement and I nod.

"Damn, Clementine is so smart." She chuckles.

Ruth B's Crave play and I realize it's Nina's phone.

"Hello Mom." She smiles. "Yes they're not here, only Fiona is. Oh come on Mom, please don't embarrass her okay."

She face time her, and says "She wants to talk to you, you already know she's weird."

"June, I heard that."

I hear, and I turn my gaze to the phone's screen, I see a woman in her late 40s.

"Hi." I smile.

"Oh darling You're so beautiful, I tots dig your hair."

I gasp, Did she just say 'tots' and 'dig'?.

"Told you she's weird." Nina says.

"Call me Lola, My husband is Anton, he's at work, I'm on my lunch break, there are rules here, or I'd had dyed my hair green again." She grins.

Wait, again?.

"I'm Fiona. Pleased to meet you, Lola."

"Same here, B. June texted me this morning about her house situation, and how you and your sisters helped her, June really is silly, She could have gotten another apartment, either way, thank you so much." She smiles.

"No problem. I'll talk to you later." and the screen goes blank.

"You look like your mom." I compliment.

"You mean we're both fat." She chuckles blandly, and I freeze.

"N -- No, I don't mean that." I stammer.

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