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°My Atoms love your Atoms. It's Chemistry°

🎶When you love someone, you open up your heart

When you love someone, you make room

If you love someone then you're not afraid to lose them

You probably never love someone like I do 🎶

Chapter Thirteen

+Caden's Point of View+

"It's Becca, bitch" Becca snarled at Fiona. I turned my gaze to Fiona whose hand was still on my chest, Should I help her out with Becca?, Or should I just let her fight her battles

She dropped her hand from my chest as she smiled savagely "Rebekah, I wasn't aware of the fact that you'll be here" The way she said it made me realize I'm in trouble

Becca fisted her hand, breathing heavily, probably to calm herself, not that I'll let her hurt Fiona. She opened her mouth about to say something but was cut off by Hope's voice

"Let's go Fiona, Lizzie is making her nice cakes" She said dragging Fiona inside

I was left with Becca staring at me coldly "What was that about Cade?"

"I should be asking you. Stay the fuck away from Fiona, or I'll fucking make you" with that I shoved her aside walking inside, only to see Fiona surrounded by Penelope and Jo, Micah was seated on the couch watching the show in front of him with amusement, Fuck, I should have warned Fiona about this, judging by the fact that she's the only girl I've brought home, She'll definitely be crowded, and I can't ignore the fact that Jo knew we were dating back in Smallville, Hope is probably in her room.

I released a harsh breath as I closed the door, walking closer to them

"Oh look, It's Caden" Penelope -- Hope's grandmother -- screamed in delight, sometimes I wonder how on Earth she's a medical doctor. I rolled my eyes as she swallowed me in her embrace. Jo left Fiona -- who was talking to Micah, I wonder what she's saying -- as she joined in the hug, Oh God, I can't fucking breath

"Can't breathe" I muttered. Slowly, they released me

"How are you baby boy" Jo grinned at me, I scrunch my nose at her annoying but persistent name for me

"I'm fin. ."

"Caden brought a girl home!" Penelope screamed like she didn't just interrupt me

"Let's take a picture" Micah said from his seat, Fuck. "Come over here, Caden, Won't you greet your old man?' He stood up, with his arms wide open. Oh fuck my life, I don't know why he keeps doing that, despite knowing I'll turn him down, I was about to reject his fucked up offer, when I caught Vanilla's smile, She looks genuinely happy

"Go" She mouthed

I couldn't turn him down, reluctantly I walked to Micah's embrace, he patted me, more like slapped me on my back, numerous times, Penelope and Jo giggled like I just won the damn lottery

"She's a keeper Son" He whispered to me as he released me

I scratched my head as I walked to Fiona, ignoring the giggling ladies, I swung my hand round her shoulder, drawing her to me, I cleared my throat as I said "Ehm, Fiona, this is Micah, my Uncle, and this is Jo -- you know her already --, my Aunt, and this is Penelope, Hope's grandmother and my uh. . Friend" I cringed at the last word "Guys, this is Fiona, my. ." I stopped when I realized I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend "My girlfriend", I knew what was coming immediately I said it

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