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   I sat alone, in bed till the morning
I'm crying, they're coming for me.
And I tried to hold these secrets inside me, my mind's like a deadly disease.

Caden Point of View

Four months, four fucking, crazy, druggy, worthless month. Four months since Fiona left me. It's July 6, My 22nd birthday, and I'm alone. Perhaps it's a curse or something, to be alone all my birthdays.

Last year, I was alone, She was within my grasp, but I was alone.

Cradling my head, sweat breaking out on my forehead, I hate myself for all the time I wasted pushing her away, for fighting all the emotions she stirred in me, I hate myself so much.

Life's not great. Life's crazy, it has always been. I have no friends. Caleb has expanded his expertise to Asia, he left 2 months ago. Kai and Caroline moved to their new apartment far away from Gotham, they do want to raise their baby in a beautiful environment, a peaceful one, so they left New York, how can I tell them you can't shield a person forever, the darkness will always and definitely catch up.

The devil entices, and darkness allures.

I'm so lonely right now. It's my 22nd year on Earth, and I've only felt fleeting moments of bliss and happiness. I am weighed down by traumas, I'm knee deep in them. I've only had one Best Friend in my entire life, William Balder, but he left, his mom died, and his father couldn't bear the lose and the pain, their house constantly reminded him of her, so he left, he took Will and Willia with him, I remember hating him so much, hating him for taking my best friend away, but now, I understand, or at least, I think I do.

I can't imagine my life without her, but here I am, alone and about to get high as fuck.


"Happy Birthday, Cade." I hear, and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Bye now."

"I'm comforting you with words I'll like to hear." She says softly, I love her so much, but here I am, hurting her.

"No one asked you to comfort me." I don't mean to snap, but I do.

She says nothing, all I can hear is Danielle's steady breathing, until. "You know what? Fuck Off, Fuck you. You think you're the only one going through shit. So what if your girlfriend left you? Maybe she wouldn't have if you aren't so fucked up. She's having the time of her life, just thought you should know." and she hangs up, looks like Danielle has been bottling a lot of shit up.

I'm pretty fucked up, I know.

she is having the time of her life.

Angrily, I pull my hoodie down.

she's having the time of her life. the time of her life. of her life.

"Girl Problem?"

I hear a gruffy voice, and I look to see a man, with an eye patch on, bruises all over his face, a scar beneath the eye patch. This is what a dark aura feels like. He lights his cigarette, and I remember, it's 2:00am, cold and I'm talking to a physically scarred man.

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