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Maybe, we can find a place to feel good
And we can treat people with kindness
Find a place to feel good

Fiona's Point Of View

"Fuck, I'm nervous, Mom."

"I see them, Lu."

"Damn, those ass."

"I'm here for my books, and my books alone."

"Mom, do not Nina me!"

"I love you so damn much."

"How do you like it?" Violet says, helping me zone out the million voices.

"Campus" Cara gestures.

Taking a deep breath, I look around and I listen.

"I need to win, I have to."

"Trust me Lu, our pl. . your plan will work."

"Esme, you forgot your phone."

"Don't worry, it's just people."

"So?" Danielle presses.

"Here I am, unknown, and free, I'll love to bask in that. Here, I have a second chance, a fresh start, a new beginning." I smile.

"Life gets better." Cara grins.

"I mean, my birthday is in a few days." Violet smiles, tucking her short grey hair behind her ear.

"And we're definitely painting the town red, together." Danielle says in a duh tone, her matte hair enhancing her beauty.

"But tonight, we're going clubbing." Cara grins, her blonde hair bouncing over her head.

Tucking my blue hair behind my blue hair behind my ear "That sounds so cliche." I roll my eyes. "The whole going to a club or bar shit is so cliche and over used."

The girls stay silent for a while.

"I'll take that as a yes." Cara grins.


Getting up, I brush my hair off my face, as I pack my book and pen, I stuff my phone into my Pocket, and I catch people staring at me as I pack, I cringe, my scar really attracts people, I guess.

"Hi." I hear, and I look to see a woman, a blonde attractive woman with prominent blue eyes, and a clear skin, unlike mine.

"Hi." I say unsurely.

She's the first person to talk to me, so I really don't know how to react.

"Do I know you?" She asks and I'm confused.

"I beg your pardon?" She doesn't look familiar.

"I'm sorry, but you look so familiar." She says, and my heart sinks.

I'm aware that my pale, ugly and sex starved face has been on magazines cover, I just didn't expect to face the shame this soon, talk about fresh start.

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