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I don't wanna be Broken anymore, but this pain feels like home.


🎶She loves me when I'm drunk

She loves me when I'm jobless

She loves me when I'm wrong

Even when I don't need love, she loves me like damn🎶

Chapter 21

+Caden's Point of View+


slight mature content

"Caden" She moaned as I thrust into her warm heaven.

"Fuck" I groan, going slow, if only I could j --

"Caden, I'm so closeee" She moaned out.

I sped up my slow motions, as I dived faster and faster. My grip on her hip tighten, I raised her left leg up, and my speed increased.

"Caden. . ."

I felt my balls tighten, and. .

"Caden!" Vanilla screamed looking flushed.

"I know" I replied, I flick her clit with my finger, and she shatters, so do I, we burst into a million stars.

"Cadennnnnn!" She screams.

"Fuck!" I groan out as I spill my seeds into the condom. I pulled out of her smiling, as she was still cuming. I placed her on the bed properly, her legs still apart, her pussy glistening.

I bent, my head between her thighs.

"W. .what are you doing, Caden?" She stuttered, looking down.

I smirked. "Nothing, just cleaning you up."

"Oh" She said, her face relaxed. Her face looked total flushed, her red lips swollen, her hair ruffled, she looked beautiful.

I returned my attention to the dish laid before me, it's inviting me, and I will definitely go in. I thrust out my tongue, and I lick the cum off her lower ass cheeks.

"Caden!" She squeaked "What are you doing!".

"Cleaning you up" I smirked, and I continue. I licked her pussy wall, I licked it all. I thrust my tongue into her warm hole, sucking all the goodness juice.

"Ah, Caden" She moaned, her thighs squeezing my head, her right hand pushing it deeper into her pussy.

"Cad. . .Oh God" I circled my tongue round her clit, I dip my tongue into her, and I felt her tighten, she's so close.

"Oh Caden, I'm gon. . .oh fuck fuck fuck fuck" She chanted like a damn mantra, her legs quivering.

"Now you're clean" I smiled as I claimed her lips, she probably tasted herself on me.

"Gosh, Caden, I love you" She murmured tiredly.

I wore her out. I chuckled as I lay beside her "I love you too Vanilla, Happy six months anniversary". It's been six months since we got back together, and one since I relapsed.

"Caden," She began, and I resisted the urge to groan, she probably wants to say something serious.


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