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This is the start of something beautiful, This is the start of something new

You are the one who'd make me lose it all
You are the start of something new, ooh

Caden's Point of View

It's the wedding day, and this place is crowded. Kai is a jittery mess, and we're all trying to sooth him, well except Zayn.

"Kai," He says "I'm quite sure if Caroline wants to leave, she'd be gone by now, or might have even left yesterday, Either way, If she's gone, She doesn't deserve you, You'll get custody of Baby Jen, and you'll be happy."

"What the fuck man?" Kai say annoyed "I don't even want custody, I can't even feed her --" and he bursts out laughing, I chuckle.

"You're just like Violet." He says amidst laughter, and I nod in affirmation, but I do notice how Zayn stiffens at the mention of Violet.

"It's time." Will says, and we walk outside, everyone are seated. We take position and we wait.

"Nins, you dumb bitch." I hear her laughter, and I freeze momentarily. Fiona.

"Language." Willa snorts. Wait, Willa? With Fiona? In Caroline's Bridal Train? That sneaky girl.

The crowd chuckles at their banter. Fuck, She's angelic.

"Guy, Let's be serious, It's Caroline's wed - " Her eyes widens as she stares at me, I smile slightly as I take her in. She's more beautiful. She looks healthier. She looks happy.

Avoiding my gaze, She falls in place, alongside the other bridesmaids. The wedding passes in a blur, Caroline wears a blue elegant gown, and Kai almost had an heart attack at her sight, I can relate.

Hope and Rose are the flower girls, Zoe and Kaiden are the ring bearers, Kaiden pecks Zoe, and the Crowd goes awwn. Caroline and Kai says their how, and they kiss. I noticed the way Zayn stares at Violet, and the way Will stares at Nina,save to say I'm not alone.

Soon, it was time for the bride and groom to drive into the sunset, but the flower needs to be thrown, and I say a little prayer, hoping Fiona catches it.

Caroline throws, Fiona catches.

"Yes!" I say. Shit, She stares at me.

"I don't even have a boyfriend." She smiles, staring at the blue flower.

"Not for long, darling." Caroline says, and gestures to me, and I feel shy all of a sudden.

"Excuse me." She says and walks away.


Fiona's Point of View

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Oh God, Cade. Cade. Caden.

I push open the private bathroom door. I stare at myself in the mirror, the blush on my cheeks so evident, he looks so good. I drop the bouquet, as I lean on the wall. I bite my lips as my eyes clouds with tears. Caden, after ten months, I still love him, fuck.


I hear, and I see him locking the door behind him. I look away from him, I don't want him to see me cry.

"Fuck, Vanilla. Don't cry." He says, and he gathers me in his arms, rubbing my naked back.

"I'm so sorry, Caden." I gush out.

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