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️How can I see through the dark?
All I can do is wonder where you are, Are you happy in someone else's arms?. Well, that's the way to break my heart

Caden's Point of View

"Hello. . . "

I can't breath.

"You've reached the voicemail of Fiona Kings -- "

"Too Formal." I hear myself cut her off.

"Come on Caden, Can't redo it. This is probably the eleventh time. Now, shut up. Sorry about that. You've reached the voicemail of Fiona Kings. . ."

I remember opening my mouth to repeat Too formal.

". .Shut it Caden. I'm probably busy at the moment, I'll call you back when --"

I cut her off again "My boyfriend is done eating me out." I say in a girly voice.

"Caden!" I hear her laughter and my chest tightens. "Okay, bye, and do leave a message."

I stare at the phone in my hands, She didn't pick, no shock there.

I listen to it again, and again, and again till the tears fall out. I drop my phone as I lay on the cold tiles, wrapping my hands around my self as I begin to cry.

I miss me. I miss her. I miss us, but what I miss more now is my shit, and I'm gonna get it.


In my signature hoodie, with my hands in my pocket, I walk to Club Blue. It's crowded, what's today?.

Lost in my thoughts, I don't see the guy in front of me, so I ram into him, my shoulders meeting his.

"Watch where you're going man." I hiss at him, locking my eyes with his.

Something like recognition flashes through his eyes. I don't know why I didn't notice the guys behind him, the huger, mean looking guys behind him. They begin to approach me, probably to beat the shit out of me, but a raise of his finger halts their movement.

"My dearest apology Monsieur." He says and I scrunch my forehead in confusion, there's a faint Italia accent, but I'm quite sure that's french.

"Yeah, whatever." I say, about to walk away when he says.

"Ryder is dead."

I freeze. "What?"

"I assume you are here to meet Ryder. Do not bother. He kicked the bucket last night. He OD."

I can't find the words to say. Ryder?, That's Rye's full name?.

"Who the hell are you, and how do you know?" I sneer.

Calm and collected, he says "I'm Konstantino Hades Marchetti Il Terzo. How do I know what? That you're a Junkie, or that Ryder Flynn, one of my worker is dead?"

Constant what?, What kind of name is that?

"And Mr Manchester, I'll advise you not to think of ever stepping foot in Club Blue again, I won't be there to stop Dante and his brothers from fucking you up. For your information, all drug network in New York has been taken down, and those still standing are under my jurisdiction. If you really crave your shit, you'll have to get through me, and I assure you, you definitely don't want to do that, no one lives to tell the tale."

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