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°Crawl inside my body, find me where I'm not ruined and love me there°


🎶How am I supposed to love you

When I don't love who I am

How can I give you all of me when I'm only half a man

I'm a sinking ship that's burning. . .🎶

Chapter Two

+ Caden's Point of View+

"No daddy!" I scream

"What Cade! You're worthless. Are you going to go to those shitty cops again!" He says dragging my head, it hurts.

"No!, I'm sorry. I won't tell!" I cry out, trying to free myself from his hold.

"Oh yes, you won't tell. I'll make sure of that, you bastard child!" and with that he shoves my head down the toilet, water rush into every holes in my head. I fight it but it's stronger than me.

I reach out trying to scratch his hand, hoping he'll free me but that only annoy him the more, seeing as he dips my face harder into the water, my head hit the ceramic because of the force, I don't feel the pain much cause it's under water.

Fighting the water with everything in me, I begin to grow weary, as if sensing my weariness, he drags my head forcefully out of the water. I gasp, coughing out toilet water, I fall to ground as he releases my hair, hitting my bleeding head on the floor, making pain shoot all over my head, I grip my head feeling a thicker liquid over it as I curled like a ball, crying my eyes out.

"Take that as a warning, next time Victor would hold your hand and it would be worse than this. Bastard child! I don't know where Roseanna got you" I hear Da --- Vincent say. I wrapped my hands round myself as I cry and wish for Mel, her hugs are needed in moments like this.


"Fuck!" I groan as I sat upright, these dreams never cease, bringing back fucked up emotions of the past, making me relieve the fear of a 7 year old. I groan, digging my hand into my hair, I can still feel the taste of toilet water in my mouth. I got up from the bed, seeing that I have just 30 minutes to get to class, I made my way to the bathroom.


I walked out of the Law Lecture room, feeling content with how the class went. There are few things that can make me smile, one: Drugs, two: Law, three: Juice World and NF songs. The zeal and passion behind this never burns out, hopefully I'll make a very good lawyer, one that can't be manipulated like those shitty ones, maybe I'll be able to save a family, even though mine wasn't saved, hopefully though, hopefully drugs doesn't kill me before then.

I walked into the Apartment, perceiving the scent of Rice and. . . Vanilla. Only one person could be in my apartm --- our apartment cooking, Kai Parker, my roommate and best friend. A great cook, he's not been around lately, he's been sleeping over at his boyfriend's place, at least one of us is having a nice love life.

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