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The pain hits harder when it comes from someone you thought was solid.


🎶How can this happen, how can this be?

There's no ending, there's no peace

The darkness is so close

The light quickly goes, now it's all gone🎶

Chapter Twenty

+Fiona's Point of View+

"I'm pregnant, Caden" I said, feeling my heart pound. "I'm Pregnant."

He stared at me with a shocked face, shock mixed with sadness and he said "We need to break up" his face void of emotions.

"What?" I said, willing the tears to come.

"I can't take the weight of your love, and with this, I realize I should just suck it up, and do what I've being dreading to do. Just know, Vanilla, even without you being pregnant, I was going to do this." He took a deep breath and continued.

"I can't take the weight of your love, I just can't. I'm getting lost on you, I feel like you'll be safe in the hands of another. I'm beyond Damaged, I'm broken to the core. There are times I've felt maybe I'm not broken, just bent, but now, now I know I'm broken. Despite knowing broken things still work, I also know there's an expiry date. Broken things work till they don't."

"I'm in love with you Fiona, but I have to let you go, and I know you are in love with me too, that's why I'm begging you, let me let you go. There are parts of me you can -- and will -- never know about, rotten parts of me. I can't take the weight of your love, Vanilla. This is goodbye."

"Oh my god" Violet whispered.

"Right from my mouth. That was superb." Danielle grinned.

"Take this from a future Grammys Award winner, that was the best break-up I've ever seen." Cara clapped.

"Like you were talking from your heart." Danielle said, still in awe of Caden.

"Just being realist --, I mean just a bunch of words from songs". Caden smiled.

"Maybe, he was." Violet whispered, but I ignored her. That's ridiculous.

I grinned as I ruffled Caden's hair. "Looks like you are perfect"

"I'm not. I'm far from it." He smiled and said taking my hand from his hair, kissing it.

"I know." Violet whispered again, I looked at her, what's with her today?.

The girl's academic calendar is totally different from mine, they are all studying different things in the same University, Violet switched from Journalism to English and Writing, apparently it wasn't what she wanted.

I think they feel I'm alone, which is why they visit me often. It's Sunday, my last paper is on Tuesday, it's the last Sunday in March, 2021. How fast the time has gone, It was just few years ago that I was the queen bitch of Smallville High.

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