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I've been told, I've been told to get you off my mind, but I hope I never lose the bruises that you left behind.
Oh my lord, oh my lord, I need you by my side.

Fiona's Point of View

"Hold on, I still love you, come back, I still need you." I sing Caroline's favorite song back in Smallville, She was also listening to it.

Gasoline starts playing, and I almost start singing along, before I realize it's my ringtone, I pick it up without checking the caller.


"Really? All I get is an hello?"

"Caroline!" I scream in delight, my voice attracts the girls, and they join me, I put it on speaker.

"How are you?"

"Well, Pregnant." She laughs.

"We know, How's Jem?" Cara grins.

"Jem is fine." She says

"And kicking." We hear Kai.

"Malachi, we talked about this!" She yells.

"Sorry, sorry."

"How are you guys. Violet, I heard you fainted, are you okay now?, Gist me girls." She whines, we all laugh.

"Don't worry about us, You're the pregnant one, Tell us about it." Danielle says.

I look around, we are all happy, yes there are underlying issues, but right now, we are happy.

"Girls," She begins in a quiet voice. "Use a Condom." and we all burst into laughter.

"I'm freaking serious. I love Kai and Jem, but do I miss being not pregnant. I do love this experience, I mean I'm 24, and pregnant with the man I love, all is good, Life is good. Life is perfect when you have your little imperfect ones close to you. I love my little family, but Use a Condom!" and we all burst into crazy laughter.

"When's the wedding?" Violet asks.

"First Saturday in April. Second of April, 2022."

"We'll definitely be there." I grin.

"Uh, duh, you have no choice, considering you're all my bride maids." She whispers like it's no big deal.

Another scream of Jubilee erupts from us.

She yawns "I need to take my afternoon nap."

"Shouldn't it be evening there?" I say.

"Then evening nap!" She snaps in annoyance, and cuts the call.

We all stare at ourselves laughing.

"Use a condom, indeed."


I stare at the bag, and I do nothing, I just stare, should I open it?.

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