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I'm searching for something, that I can't reach. . . .
My ghost, where did you go,
What happened to the soul that you used to be
Saying that I love him, but I know I'm gonna leave him

Fiona's Point of View

We’re going home tomorrow, and Fiorre is flying Nina, Her family, Nathaniel and Violet’s Dad to Italy. It’ll be a very big Christmas, I can’t wait. These past months hav been hectic, filled with school work, and my work at WB, more than often, the girls come along, and they end up emptying their account balance.

I can’t deny that I’m happy, slowly becoming the woman I’ve always hope to be. SPEAK has also made me occupied, Elizabeth and I talked on opening a branch here in Providence, and she did. Just like Willa, she asked me to work for her again, she extended the offer to the girls, Nina accepted, and we work there on weekends.

“This is our last session for the Year.” Chynna says.

I smile “It has been a long run.”

“And you’re getting better.” She compliments.

“One step at a time.” I smile, lost in thoughts.

“What is on your mind, Talk to me.” She smiles. Nothing gets past her.

“Caden.” I say “Just remembering everything Lia said, Caden’s been through so much. His father murdered his mother right before him, it’s all shades of fucked up, and instead of me to listen to his side of it, I broke up with him, I left him, I added to his trauma. Caden’s been scarred, hurt, humiliated, depressed, addicted and broken, and it breaks my heart to be one of his demons, to have become something he’ll have to survive. For the past months, I’ve felt nothing but guilt, and now, I feel pity, enormous pity for Caden, for Axel, for the seven year old Axel Caden Lockwood, and as weird as this might sound, I feel it for Taliana and Victor too, and I’ve been praying and hoping for a second chance, cause I won’t screw it up again.” I finish with an exhale.

“I am so proud of you, Gwen, and trust me you’ll your second chance. “


I open another page of Drug Addiction for Dummies, Chynna and Violet recommended.


I look and I see someone I never thought I’d see again: Cherry Sanders, my friend at Smallville High, or should I say, one of my minions.

“Cher”  I smile as I hug her, I feel a small bump, and I grin.

“Dylan Montgomery.” She answers my unasked question, and my eyes widens.

“Who would have thought.”  I grin, and we sit on the bench, as we catch up. She’s studying Food Science, and Dylan is a Stoke broker. They got married last year, and She’s five months pregnant. We keep talking, and I forget I’m waiting for Nins.

“Gwen.” Nins calls to me.

“Cher, I’ll call you.” I say, and I hug her, then I walk to Nins.

“Who was that?” She asks as we get in the Car

“A friend.”

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