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They say these are the golden years,

But I wish I could disappear,

Ego crush is so severe,

God, it's brutal out here.

Fiona's Point of View

"Still can't find it?" Cara asks, as she comes her hair.

Groaning, I say "Yes."

A gentle knock on the door, and it's opened. Fiorre.

"Fiona, She's here." She smiles at me.

I stare at her, clad in a simple but definitely expensive gown, you really won't know her first child is 20.

"Are you ready?" She asks when I don't answer.

Placing my finger in my mouth, I nod negatively.

"I see." She  smiles. "Walk with me." She offers her hand, rubbing my sweaty hands on my trouser, I throw Cara a tiny smile, and I walk with her mother.

"Getting help really can be difficult, I know, but it's needed. Every once in a while, we need someone to lend us a hand. Ever had the feeling of wanting to talk to a complete stranger, here's your chance. Open up to Dr Chynna Wei, let her help you. I'll really love to see that young eight years old girl that played with my daughter, the eight year old Feminist, the strong girl I knew back then." She smiles, we halt, and she slowly removes her hand from mine.

"She's waiting" and with that she's gone.

Carefully, I walk into the Library, I see her, and I sit opposite her.

"Hi" I murmur.

"Miss Kings, thank you for coming." She smiles genuinely.

She has a similar dress sense with Fiore, her dressing looks undoubtedly expensive.

"I like your earrings." I compliment truthfully, they do look nice.

"Thank you." She smiles.

Few minutes of awkward silence, and she says.

"You look troubled, Miss Kings."

I stare at her, for the past few days, my mind has been occupied with thoughts of my lost jewel.

"Fiona," She begin softly. "We got off on the wrong foot, and I'm sorry If I made a wrong a impression, but I want to be your friend, not just your psychologist, but your friend. So, I beg  of you, Let's start on a new page."

I remain silent as I digest her words, after a few minutes, I say " I lost something."

"Something or Someone?" She stares at me.

Sadly, I say "Both."

"Well, " She smiles "As a Potter head, Luna Lovegood once said, The things we love have a way of coming back to us in the end, if not always in the way we expect. You'll find your something and your someone." She smiles at me, and I return the gesture.

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