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° We can't fight the dark. This is who we are °


🎶So give me the worst excuses, any reason to stay

Give me your lips that taste of her, I'd kiss them anyway

I'd rather you walk over me than walk away

Give me the worst of you, Cause I'd want you anyway🎶

Chapter Twenty

+Fiona's Point of View+

"Why?" Violet asked, a hint of sadness in her voice, all her usual playfulness gone.

"I don't know" I whispered, ashamed of myself.

"What do you mean, you don't know?" Danielle asked.

"Exactly Fiona, you can't just do something like that, and say you don't know" Cara added confused.

I leaned on the wall, with my legs crossed on my bed as I stared at them. I was bitting my lips so hard to keep the tears in.

"Don't you love him?" Violet asked, her voice still sad, making me wonder if she's sad for me or herself.

"Of course I do" I said immediately.

"Then why did you do it?" Cara said.

"It was a mistake!" I exclaimed.

"If you don't love him, let him know. Unrequited Love is not a Joke" Violet said firmly.

"I Love Caden." I said with all my strength.

"Then why?" Danielle whispered

I don't know, the tears came running.

"It's okay. Everything will be okay" Cara cooed as she embraced me, running her hands through my back.

"We are here for you Fiona" Danielle said, but Violet remained silent.

I pulled away from Cara "Do you  think I should tell him?" I asked quietly, and I knew that question brought back unwanted memories and unanswered questions for all of us.

For Danielle, Was that how Xavier felt?, Did he ask someone this same question?, Did the person answer stopped him?.

For Vee, her thoughts probably flashed back to Damon, and with the look on her face, there is a lot we don't about Violet and Damon relationship.

For Cara, For me, Should we tell them?. We are both holding secrets that can tear the friendship apart, secrets that could risk lives, but we can't tell them, at least not yet.

"From all the poems written on the subject of Unrequited Love, there are so few on the pain of being that object of affection. The Truth is, Fiona, It's not love on which the strongest foundation are built, It's the decency of merciful lies" Violet said sadly, and I got my answer.

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