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Oh, 'cause I keep digging myself down deeper, I won't stop till I get where you are, I keep running, I keep running, I keep running. . . . .I know when you go, Down all your darkest roads, I woulda followed all the way to the graveyard

Fiona's Point of View

It is Halloween, and we are here in Las Vegas. We got here on Friday, and we flew in to Nina's childhood home day. We were pretty shocked to discover she was born and bred in Vegas. Lola insisted we visit, told us to take a break.

School's been good, and the semester would soon come to an end. The good thing about our group is we know how to find an equilibrium, always. Yes, we party, a lot, but we read, a lot more. Ever since I moved in with the girls, I read more, we attend lots of superficial and cliché parties, I mean we are here in Vegas for an Halloween party, but we are focused.

Danielle is studying in two different Universities, Sinister is making sure she's up to date on everything going on in the company, it'll be hers one day. Violet is juggling being a writer, blogger, studying two different courses, meeting her blog and Instagram schedule. Nina is swarmed in the medical world, and she she's trying to make time for photography. Cara left her popularity back in Italy, but seems to have found it again here, her talent did that, she's ruling the acting world with her natural skills, and I, I'm attending classes, having sessions with Chynna, and thinking about Caden, the past weeks has been nice, I heard Danielle talking to him on the phone once, I walked away painfully, he's best friend, and she misses him, we all do.

"Hey Beauty." I hear and I grin.

Linton been flirting with me, he's a quarterback.

I face him smiling "Linton, like I've a billion times already, been there, done that."

Wade chuckles, so does Anton.

Nina family is really nice and accommodating, they don't mind that four girls are intruding.

"When do you leave for the party?" Lola walks in carrying a bowl of sliced fruit.

"In two hours, Lola." Danielle says as she seats beside me, I notice Wade's eyes on her, apparently, so does Anton because he bangs his head gently making Wade blush in embarrassment.

We seat in silence as we eat our fruits until Nina, Cara and Violet walks in.

"We got the costumes." Nina says as she pushes Linton away from the seat.

"Why cant I follow you?" He whines.

Cara chuckles "Go do trick or treat, boy."

"I'm a man." He huffs

"Right." Danielle says.

It's pretty amazing how we've bonded

"Let me see the dress" Lola claps in excitement, you'd think she's wearing one.

"Mom, there are not dresses but costumes from WB." Nina says as she brings out a green flowered dress, it's skimpy and hot.

"This is mine, I'll be Poison Ivy." She grins.

"And, I'll be Harley Queen." Violet says with excitement as she brings out a blue and red body hug gown, with blue and red booth, a black shinny belt which has 'pudding' inscribed on it, and a platinum with, with blue and red on the edges.

"Wow." Lola whispers.

I giggle "I'll be Corpse Bride.", and they stare as I bring out the creepy white gown, flower view and a new set of makeup.

"I'll do my makeover, can't wait to show you." I say with excitement.

"I'll be Cruella." Cara grins as she brings out the white and black dress, the fluffy jacket, and the white and black wig.

"I'll be Black Widow." Danielle says and she brings out the last custom, leather jumpsuit with fake guns, a classic black heels, and a red wig.

"Yay!" Lola yells in excitement.

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