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I'm faithful, I can't be the one for you. I have someone who loves me, even though I think that I, that I, that I love you.

Fiona's Point of View.

Cara's birthday party or should I say Sinister's business party. Cara's 19 years old party, and her father managed to turn it to a business party, not that Cara minds.

The four of us are all dressed elegantly, wearing ball gowns. I'm wearing a blue backless ball gown, my hair is packed in a ponytail. Danielle is wearing a strapless black ball gown, Fiorre was initially against it because it's black -- who died? Her words not mine. -- and it pushes up her cleavages, but Danielle is 20, she makes her decisions.

Violet is wearing a yellow ball gown with tiny sparkly glitter all over it. A slit, showing off her legs, and beautiful flowery embroideries all over the edges.

Cara, the celebrant is dressed in a red plain ball gown. The costs of these blew me away, it's crazy.

With a glass of Champagne, I walk to Violet. "Why are you writing? It's a Ball." I stare at her beautiful calligraphy.

"Exactly. It's a Ball." She smiles and I stare at her, she's so beautiful, the prettiest amongst us.

"A lot of people to see, A lot of things to write." She adds and I smile, not knowing how to reply.

"These gowns are crazy." I chuckle nervously, This is our first real conversation.

"But you're used to it. Smallville's High Queen." She laughs and I nod.

"Smallville's High Queen." I repeat, a sense of nostalgia floods me.

"You miss those days?" She asks.

"Sometimes." I say.

A comfortable silence settles between us as we watch Cara and Nikolas dance, a slow, sensual dance, so beautiful, makes my heart swell. They look so in love, they are in love.

Everywhere looks beautiful.

I turn to Violet "You look amazingly beautiful."

Her eyes widens "Really?"

"Of course." I chuckle.

"You have no idea what hearing that from a beautiful girl does to my self esteem." She smiles, and I return the gesture.

After a while, she says "You're an amazing person, Fiona."

Somehow, I doubt that.


Luciano D. Jovanni, Sinister's first and only son, 2 years old and so damn beautiful. Carrying him in my hands bring joy to me, when he stares at me, it's like the heavens are upon me, his eyes are the most beautiful pair I've ever seen, well, except Caden's.

Caden. Caden. Caden Ian Manchester.

"Phiona" I hear, and I look down at Luciano, his grey and blue eyes sparkling.

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