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He has eyes like rain and hair like wolves and a soul as vast and as deep as the ocean and I guess I didn't mind drowning in him•


°🎶 Hold, hold on

Hold on to me

Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady🎶°

Chapter Four

+Fiona's Point of View+

"Are you gay?" I ask him with my hands akimbo.

"What?" He looks up from his game.

"Are you gay, Luke?" I ask again.

"Of course I'm not. Where the fuck did you hear that, bitch!" He spits with his eyes still on the game.

"Don't fucking call me a bitch, Luke!."

That got his full attention "Really, I shouldn't, but that's what you are, isn't it?. Only a bitch would snatch her best friend's boyfriend, only a bitch would go for Plastic surgery. Your family is quite aware of this, that's why they hate you. You're a bitch, A worthless bitch" He sneers, getting up from the chair, walking towards me, his game long forgotten.

"You convinced me to have the surgery. You said my nose made me ugly! Luke! You did!. If I'm a bitch, you made me this" I shout at him as he moves creepily closer to me.

"Really?, Did I convince you to betray your best friend too?, I only brought out the bitch in you, bitch. And for your question, Yes, I'm gay. What are you going to do about it? Runaway?, To who?, Danielle?, She hates you now, Remember. I'm all you've got bitch. I'm all you've got" He said to me, venom in his words, sadly, he's right.

"I'm not interested in you again. I'm breaking up with you. You're gay for God's sake. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being gay, but you kept it away from me, what the hell are you even doing with me!" I scream. That seem to break the last ounce of patience he has as he grab my hand painfully.

"Say that again" he sneers in my face.

"I -- I'm breaki-- I'm sorry" I sob helplessly. "I'm sorry, I love you, Luke. I'm just hurt" I sob harder.

"I know Kings, I know you love me, You do and you'll always do, but you shouted on me, you disrespected me and you'll be punished for it, so what will it be, A or B?" He smiles, beautiful smile, as I much as I hate him right now, I still love him.

"B. Please let it be B" I say quietly.

"I knew it. You're a horny little bitch, aren't you?. Now put off your panties and play with your self" he say removing a condom from his pocket.

"Please, go easy on me" I beg, tears clouding my vision.

"Oh, bitch. I can't and you know that. B is hard, brutal and merciless sex. You chose it and that's what you are gonna get" he smiled, moving his hand down his length.

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