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My demons are begging me to open up my mouth,
I need them mechanically make the words come out.
They fight me, vigorous and angry, watch them pounce,
Ignite me, licking at the flames they bring about.

Caden's Point of View.

"Caden." I hear, and I look up.

"A penny for your thoughts?" She smiles, perhaps I can learn to like her.

"More like a dollar." I attempt a smile.

"How have you been, Caden?" She asks, this is the second time she's calling me that within a minute.

"Chy, try not to call me Caden." I grimace.

"Says the person that calls me Chy." She smiles.

I shrug.

"Let's start from the there." She says.

"Where?" I tense up.

"Your name. What's your name?"

I turn away, feeling ridiculous, why did I even agree to this.

"Caden, this is the beginning of our friendship, Let it go smoothly." She says. "So, talk to me. I can't help you if you won't talk to me. Help me help you."

"My name is Caden Ian Manchester."

"What was your name?"

I stare at the wall. "Axel. Axel Ian Lockwood."

"Tell me about your name's formation." She says carefully.

Releasing a deep breath, I say "Father chose Axel, and Caramel named me Ian. Mom's last name is -- was Manchester, and she called me Caden."

"So after your freedom, you decided to change your name to the one your Mom chose, why?"

"I love her." I shrug nonchalantly, even though my heart is beating wildly.

"What was her name?"

"Roseanna Juliana Manchester."

"What can you tell me about Roseanne's early life?" She asks calmly.

"She's a twin, not identical though. Her sister is Josette Rosette Parker, really funny names if you ask me. She got married to him at the age of 25, She would have been 54, we share the same birthdate. She had Mel and Victor two years after the wedding, she had me five years later, and when I was 14, She died." I stop abruptly, breathing heavily.

Dr Chy says nothing as she watches me get control of myself.

"Thank you, May her soul rest in perfect peace." She smiles kindly. " Moving on, Let's talk about the present, will you stay in Gotham?"

"No, I won't." I press my knuckles, making them crack.


"I feel emptier here." I say solemnly.

"But, this emptyness will persist even if you move to the moon."

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