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There's a particular kind of suffering to be experienced when you love Something greater than yourself, a tender sacrifice. Like the pained silence in the long lost song of a mermaid, or the bent and broken feet of a dancing ballerina, it is in every considered step that I'm taking in the opposite direction of you -- Lang Leav.


🎶So one last time

I need to be the one who takes you home

One more time

I promise after that, I'll let you go🎶

Chapter Twenty Six

Caden's Point of View.

Caramel Davina Saltzman. Roseanna Paris Saltzman. I chuckled bitterly, my life is a fucking joke. What reactions were they expecting?. Caramel looked so much like my Caramel, her eyes were shut so I couldn't see them, but her hair, her platinum blonde, so heavenly, so innocent, so alike.

"She's gone. They are gone." I heard Danielle say, and I looked at her.

I attempted a smile, "The plan worked."

She sat beside me on the kitchen floor "But at what cost, Cade?. What did it cost?" She asked, and I shut my eyes, willing the tears to go, I can't cry.

"What did it cost, Cade?" Danielle asked again, and I break inside, because it costed everything.

"Everything." I whispered, feeling my soul break. "It cost everything," and a tear slip out of my face "She cheated on me." I said, hoping to God Danielle would tell me I'm wrong.

"Yes, she did." She said "You are a drug addict, Cade."

"Yes, I am."

We were silent for a while till I asked, "What should I do, Danielle?."

"I don't know, but I think you do."

We got up, and we walked back to the living room where traces of Taliana and Victor lingered. Cara was cleaning her curved knife, psycho. Violet was reading one of my Law books. Fiona was staring into nothingness.

My gaze shifted to the drugs on the table, I did my best to ignore the picture beside it. I had bought the drugs in large quantities from Rye, I never wanted to run out, I bite my lips as I kept on staring, I fist my fingers, not now Cade. A manicured hand appeared, obstructing my view, Cara's.

"Damn, Cade, these drugs are kinda much, Taliana wasn't joking when she said you are loaded."

I ignored her as I looked elsewhere, fucking psycho.

"Come Cade, Sit." Violet patted the space beside her.

I sat, only for her to stand up, leaving Fiona and I alone on the couch. Everyone was silent, the only noise was Cara cleaning her knife, did I mention psycho?.

"Eh--mm, Can you guys give us a minute?" Fiona said.

Cara snorted "More like an hour."

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