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°You broke my walls, then broke me as well°


🎶I can't be the only one who is lonely tonight

I. . .I can't be the only

Does anybody feel like me?, Show your hands

I don't need to lie, I just wanna find my peace🎶

Chapter One

+Fiona's Point of View+


"We are done. Don't contact me again"

"Congratulations Fiona Gwen Kings, you've been admitted into Gotham University {G. U.}, to attain a degree in Psychology, do ensure th--"

These two message contradict each other. I applied to G.U. just to be closer to Caden and also because it's one of the universities with good Psychology professors, but Caden Manchester wants to have nothing to do with me again.

His message has been in my phone for 3 months but I chose to ignore it, despite the fact that I've read it. The 3 months vacation in Italy helped a great deal, the time I spent with Danielle, Violet and Cara were amazing even though a part of me still aches for my boyfriend, for Caden, but he broke up with me, over text, nothing spells °We are done° more than that.

It's time for a fresh start, time to forget demons of the past, time to forget Luke Chamberlain, time to forget Caden Manchester even though it will be hard considering we are in the same school, either way, it's time to move on. I promised Danielle's Mom that I'll move on, I promised Sinister -- as he insisted we call him -- that I'll be fine, I made a promise to baby Luciano and my girls that I'll be strong, I intend to uphold those promises, nothing is taking me down, not even Caden.

Quietly, I placed my make up kit beside my bed, pleased with the arrangement, neatness and perfection of the room, I looked over to the empty bed which belong to my roommate, I've not met her though, I hope she'll b --

My chain of thought was cut off by a knock on the door, I stare at the door for a while before grabbing the pocket knife Sinister gave me from my bag, self defense classes in Italy taught me to always be on guard. Slowly, I opened the door to behold a black girl with dark natural hair, movement from her side diverted my attention to a black boy that looks exactly like her.

They reminded me of Alex and Haley.

"Hi?" I said unsurely.

"Hi! Is this dorm room 317?" She asked, before I could answer, the guy smacked her head saying "Of course it is, Care."

She glared at him for awhile before looking at me "Can we come in. I'm your roommate."

"Oh!, Sure, come on in" I said putting the knife in my back pocket. They walked in, closing the door quietly. I stared at them awkwardly till I said "I'm Fiona. Fiona Kings."

The girl smiled at me dropping her bag on the bed "I'm Caroline Salvatore and this ugly dude i --"

"Oh shut it Care. I can introduce myself. I'm Caleb. Caleb Salvatore and as you can see I'm not ugly as my twin sister just said" Caleb said grinning.

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