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° Love will fuck you up more than Drugs°


🎶 We've been living like Angels and Devil's

I'm loving the pain!, I never want to live without it

So why, why, why, Do I try, try, try

You draw me insane, now we are screaming just to see who is louder🎶

Chapter Twenty One

+Fiona's Point of View+

"When are you due?" I asked Lizzie as I eyed her stomach. She looked. . .uh. . pregnant, but she still managed to keep the Elizabeth Saltzman class up.

"Last week of March" She smiled, devouring the chocolate bar.

"Don't tell anyone" She smiled "I think they are twins" She said with a grin.

I frowned "You think?, Shouldn't you know?".

"We asked the Doctor to keep the gender -- or genders -- a secret" She explained, pulling out another bar.

"Oh, how then do you know?" I asked in awe.

"Motherly Instinct" She grinned, flashing me her chocolate stained teeth.

"That's beautiful" I said, still in awe.

"You'll make a beautiful mother" She said.

I chuckled nervously "Shouldn't I be saying that to you. I'm just 20, too young for babies".

"I'm 26, and soon to be mother of two. Life works in mysterious ways" She smiled rubbing her stomach.

I just watched.


I turn to stare at Rafael, a new intern.

"Yes, Raph" I smiled at the brown skinned boy.

"Your presence is needed" He said.

"But my shift starts in an hour" I frowned.

"I'm aware, but this patient specifically wants you" Raph said.

"What's her name?" Lizzie asked.

"Vaniglia Stone."


Her hair.

That's the first thing I noticed as I stare at Vaniglia. We are currently in one of the rooms, Lia persisted. She claimed she needed her privacy, and she made it known that we are not to be disturbed by anyone, It was strange, but I overlooked it, I'm physically strong.

"Wow, you look . . . . fabulous" I said staring at her dressing.

A black Lacy short gown, like really short, with black boots, did I mention the gown is transparent, and she's braless?. Her hair is styled and beautiful, she cut it short. Feathers earrings adorned her ears, her grey eyes sparkling. In all, She looked beautiful.

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