•Author's Note.• °Mandatory!°

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             "Look at you, look at what you've become, Look at what he turned you to, An Irrational person. That's it, there's that look in your eyes. No matter what Cade Manchester does to you, you'll forever keep running to him, no matter how bad he hurts you, how broken he renders your heart."

"You are bond to him, you were tied to him, everyone can see he is nothing but the bane of your existence, but you can't see it, you're blinded by the love you have for him. Despite the fact that you just left a toxic relationship, you don't mind jumping into another, as long as it's Cade, your Caden. Fiona Guinevere Kings, you deserve better than Cade, but you can't see it, all because you're irrevocably addicted to him"

Meet Fiona Guinevere Kings

            She looks like a real life Barbie, but she sure as hell doesn't live in a fairytale, if it's a fairytale, it's a twisted one, a very very twisted fairytale. Her life has being shitty, from a family that don't give two fucks about her, to an abusive and psychotic boyfriend. Her body is covered in painful memories and scars, they serve as a souvenir and momento from the devil himself; Luke Chamberlain.

              She felt life should give her a break, but it didn't, it never does. She met him, Caden Manchester, it seem like she's drawn to the bad boys, Aren't we all?. Caden Manchester is a walking trauma, a breathing disaster, a living catastrophe, an addictive poison, someone she should definitely run from, but she won't,

               Or Will She?.

    Here is Caden Ian Manchester

               An Orphan. A Substance Abuser. A drug Addict. A Maniac. A result of a broken home. An Artist who has definitely lost his muse.

              He meets her, Fiona Kings. She seem like his saving grace, his last and final shot at redemption, all he have to do is let her get tangled in his web of pain, death and painful secrets. He's no good for her, he's aware of this,  She's too angelic, but like a moth drawn to flame, he's drawn to her, to light. She's his Vanilla, His butterfly whose wings he break, rendering her broken. He breaks her, shatters her, destroys her, but she didn't leave. She stuck to him like a snail's shell to the snail, but we all have our limits, don't we?, but the question is not about us, it's about Fiona, She also has her limit,




This book will take you on a rollercoaster of emotions.

Copyright©2020 by Elizabeth Adekoye -- EllieA.
All Rights Reserved. This is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to a person is purely coincidental.
This book or any portion of it may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.
™ EllieA

Instagram: Adekoye_ Eliza

Facebook: Adekoye Elizabeth Omotoyosi

G-mail account: 3000youmissi@gmail.com

Contains Mature Content.

°Dark romance.

°It's a Spin off from Hold On,
It can be read as a stand alone but if you get confused you can read Hold On.

°It's character driven not plot driven. The characters are unpredictable, if any action of a character displeases you, try not to vex, it's who they are, who they are supposed to be, who they are made to be and who they are written to be.

°It will be in dual point of view unlike Hold On, both in Caden and Fiona's point of view. We get to know what both major characters are thinking. It's better this way. It helps us to love or hate them, judge or condemn them, despise or adore them etc.

°The popular supernatural series titled The Vampire Diaries, The Originals and Legacies do not exist in this book. Certain characters name in this book are from the Series. Certain quotation will also be used. Try not to make jokes or spoilers relating to this series, especially Legacies. I'm a huge fan.

°This writing would be different from Hold On, because I think my writing has improved, seeing that Hold On was my first book.

°Caden and Fiona are adult, 21 and 19 respectively. Their actions are matured actions.

You can also check out my Profile.
Adekoye_eliza on Instagram.

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