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°Broken girls blossom into warriors°


🎶Tears on my face, I can't take it

If lonely is a taste then it's all that I'm tasting

Do you hear my cry. I cry--oh

Can you hold me?🎶

Chapter Three

+Fiona's Point of View+

I should get up, I really should. Class starts anytime from now. I don't why I'm still in bed. I'm usually an early riser, I still don't know why I'm still in bed -- deep down, I know why. It's all because of yesternight's happenings. I closed my eyes firmly, taking a deep breath, I'll be fine. My world doesn't revolve around Caden, he asked me to stay away from him, I should but why do I still feel drawn to him. Caden is in pain, I feel obligated to help him. He's hurt me times without number yet I want to help him, maybe fi --

"Fiona Gwen Kings!" My chain of thought was cut off to an abrupt end by Caroline. I opened my eyes, seating upright, I stared at Caroline who was staring at me like she wanna kill me.

"What's wrong Caroline and how did you know my full name?."

"What's wrong?!, Did you just ask me that? Where the fuck were you Fiona! You almost made me mad yesternight. Don't ever fucking do that shit anymore" She said sitting beside me.

I looked at her shocked, She cares "I'm sorry for worrying you but I'm fine."

"So you won't tell me where you were?."

I bit my lips nervously, I can't tell her yet.

"It's alright Fiona, I won't force you to talk, there are things about me that I won't easily say, but for the sake of next time, put down numbers I can call" She offered.

I smiled gratefully as I wrote down Danielle, Violet, Cara, Sinister and Mrs Jovanni's number. "Here" I said handing it to her.

"Where are these people?."

"Italy" I smiled.

"Woah, that's far. Anyway, you have 20 minutes to get to your class. I don't how you're gonna do it girl" Caroline smiled getting up from my bed.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, scramblig off the bed, running towards the bathroom.


"--- ounselling Psychology guildes on mild issue like Academic Adjustment and Career Choice. Cognitive Psychology focuses on thinking, language, reasoning and decision making. Developmental Psychology studies people and how they change from conception to death. I hope y'all are putting this down."

I entered the class in the middle of the lecture, I sat at the back jotting down all I could, PSY 101 is all about introduction

"-- Independent Variable can be systematically manipulated in a research. Dependent Variable changes as a result of the Independent Variable's manipulation, it's also called Outcome Variable. Extraneous Variable is however the variable that can have a negative effect on the IV and DV. It distructs the effect of the IV on D -- " the lecturer went on and on till the end of the lecture.

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