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I'm out of touch, I'm out of love,
I'll pick you up when you're getting down,
And out of all these things I've done
I think I love you better now

Caden's Point of View

"I've been clean for 6 months"

I smile at Chy, and she grins back "And I've been your therapist for 6 months" She smiles, a weird familiar glow around her.

I stare at her, with my eyebrow raised "I thought we were friends" I smirk.

"What?" she says confused

"You're pregnant, right?" I smile

"Axel!" She yells "How did you know"

"Babies gives their Mom some weird glow" I grin

"I'm supposed to be the psychologist here" She whines and I laugh

"So you sold your pieces." She says.

"Yes, Glory got her piece three days earlier, I got calls the next day from people she recommended. I've sold ten pieces, I'm painting Willa's"

"That's very good. How have you been, with the new addition, The Balder- Somerhalder Family."

"I'm happy. Will and I have been bonding a lot, apparently his girlfriend broke up with him because she doesn't like Glory, like what the fuck, that's incredulous. Willa is so focused on her work, we barely talk, but when we do, she eats my food and avoids my eyes, and Zayn is thinking of travelling"

"And the Parkers?"

"Caroline is so thrilled to be a mother, I mean Jemima surprised us, we all thought she'd be a boy. Anyway, their wedding has been shifted to 4 days time, Caroline is eager to be Mrs. Parker, everyone is eager for the wedding."

"Are you?" Today's Fiona's Birthday.

I bit my lip "She'll be there there, I'm sure of that."

"What will you do when you see her?"

"I don't know"

"Well I have a friend I want to set you up with, Felicity." She grins and I roll my eyes knowing fully well that I'm never dating anyone until I see Fiona.

"Let's talk about your family." She smiles

"We just did" I say

"Your family, Axel."

I look away "What about them"

"Shall we revisit your traumas? I'll love to finally hear the full story from you."

I lean back "Pretty tragic, but suit yourself. Mel and I were playing in the park, Victor joined us when Mum and Vincent dropped him. We were playing, and laughing, Mel ran, and I pursued her, she got hit by a car and hit her head on a concrete, she died instantly. Mom and Vincent froze, instead of turning to Mel, Vincent faced me and he told me I just killed my sister. Mom looked up from Caramel and told him to stop, he slapped her, that was the beginning of the abuse. He didn't let us mourn, neither did he, he wanted another child, he wanted to replace her, Mom got furious, and when I was 12, he started raping my mother."

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