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I just wanna be part of your symphony
Will you hold me tight and not let go?
Like a love song on the radio
Will you hold me tight and not let go?

Caden's Point of View

I settled into my apartment a few days ago, Classes at UCLA has been a walk in the park, it has been nice and the fresh start is definitely refreshing, infact moving to Los Angeles was definitely what I needed, day by day, I feel I can breath, breath freely. I intend to uphold my promise to Fiona, I'll get better, and I'll find her, hopefully she still wants me, I hope she does.

Jo and Micah moved back to LA, Jo should probably retire, she deserves the rest. According to her, nostalgia made her move here, but I know better, and I like that she cares.

I clean the counter, and I hear a knock, I frown, I haven't made friends, perhaps it Kai. With a grin, I head to the door, I can't wait for him to taste the pasta I just made, it was Chy idea that I find a new hobby, and I did, Cooking.

Grinning, I open the door, and I freeze, the grin falls off.

"Hey Ax." He says, and I choke on emotions.

"Looking good, Xel." She says, walking in.

I stare at him in shock and confusion.

"Will." I choke out.

"Damn, Man." He chuckles "I love this reaction of yours, you really l -- "

I cut him off, closing the distance between us, hugging him, he hugs me back without hesitation, and my eyes get Misty, fuck.

"Cute." I hear, and I reluctantly let go of Will as I face Willa, who is holding a plate of Pasta and Fried Chicken, typical Willa.

She seats, placing the plate on the table. Will and I sit. I stare at them, unbelievably, I'm finding it hard to believe this is real.

I stare at Will, his gelled hair glistening, he probably emptied a whole container of gel, his brown eyes finds mine, this is real. My attention drifts to Willa, her pink hair, grey eyes and sarcastic smile.

"Oh my God." I bury my face in my palm, feeling overwhelm.

"You really know how to make a girl feel welcomed, Xel." Willa smirks, and I bite back a smile at her nickname for me.

"Let Ax breath." Will says. Ax, they had nicknames for me.

"Talk to me, Xel." Willa says moments later.

"I don't know what to say." I finally say.

"Start from the beginning. Talk to us, we're here now, I know we left, not by choice, but we left, but we're back now, and I know we're late, but, please talk to us." Will pleas, so I do, I talk to them, I start from Caramel, then to Vincent, Lia, Mom, Victor, then Jo, about Fiona, Danielle, Violet, Cara, Fiona, again. I tell them everything.

"Oh, fuck." She says with clouded eyes.

"Fuck, indeed." Will says, getting up, and starts pacing.

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