15 | happy day

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Milani's POV

It's been 5 days since caim's sudden disappearance and I have no clue where he is. I tried asking Lucas but every time I tried talking to him, he either runs away or uses his phone as an escape. It was getting frustrating.

After that phone call, Caim left, without telling any whereabouts. There is this constant voice in My head which tells me which tells me that something is not right, Lucas is behaving weirdly and Caim is nowhere to be seen. I have this feeling that they both are hiding something. I know it's only been a month since I got to know Caim and that he has every right to not tell me anything personal but all these sudden disappearances are shading him too much, last time he came back with a bruised face and limping. I don't know what would be this time.

I kept thinking about him for the rest of the day, not paying attention to any teacher or what they were teaching. Everything was a blur except when I would listen to people talking about Caim. It was normal among these students to talk about anything if it involves him and the morning scene on the other day only fueled their gossips.

I was getting all type of stares, from jealousy filled eyes to sympathy one's all followed me everywhere I go. It was getting out of hand, I've been called bitch a few times and being bumped into some really mean girls who not only humiliated me but also threatened me to stay away from "their" Caim as they like to put it. Karl and Ailee helped me sometimes and I stood up too but it was just getting more annoying.

The days were passing too slow and only doubled my worries, I tried calling him many times but he never picks up, it goes straight to voice mail. I've even sent him voice mails asking where he is but got no call in return.

Today was the same, I attended my classes and tried very hard to focus on what the teachers were saying but it was futile, every thought in my mind revolve around only one certain person. Currently, I was in the cafe with my best friends, Karlos was sitting in front of me, Ailee beside him. As usual, those two were going on with their daily argument, they sometimes behave like an old married couple.

" you don't even know how to throw a ball," Karlos said and flipped his imaginary hair. They were arguing about football. Football finals are coming and Karlos is way too excited for it. It was a one-time achievement for our school to win this tournament and win the title of 'football champs' and Karlos has been allowed to represent our school.

Our school has always been the top scorer in the tournament with the best players. This tournament is held every 4 years which means its a golden chance for the senior year players. Karlos was looking forward to this game from his freshman year and he is also chosen as the captain of this years team, which is a very big deal for him.

Football means a lot to Karlos, he shed his blood, sweat and tears to perfect the throw he lacks in. Ailee and I always support him by going to his matches and cheering him, especially Ailee, who literally cannot sit her butt on the chair for more than some minutes.

"And you don't know how to cheer. So what's the difference" Ailey said and rolled her eyes. Ailee is also the head of our cheerleading team so, she too has been busy with her training, perfecting every move to not embarrass herself in front of the teams participating in the competition. She was sitting beside Karl, a little too close for being 'just friends' and didn't even know it.

"Guys please stop it, why are you fighting over something silly." I butted in between their argument. They both stopped and looked at me weirdly.

"Silly? Were not talking silly, This guy insulted my cheerleading skills and you're telling me that we're arguing over a silly topic" she gasped and snapped at me. Ailee has always been a dramatic type in our group. I rolled my eyes and hit the back of her head which resulted in Karl chuckling and Ailee scowling.

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