31 | sweet home (Layla's pov)

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Layla's POV

I really like him, like really really like him, everything about him intrigues me, his beautiful blue eyes and those cute teeth and his icy blonde hair. It's perfect, he's perfect. I've never felt like this before, sure I had my fair share of relationships in my last 2 years of high school but with Lucas, everything is new, he makes me so happy and I like it.

From the tilted smile to those sharp looks he gives everyone when they look at him and I love how they considerably soften when he talks to me. He falls into the category of bad boys but somehow he doesn't seem like one, I mean I never saw him talking to someone rudely or bullying others. He doesn't even raise his voice when he's annoyed and I know I tend to annoy him a lot but I like it.

Like right now, he is quiet, not at all saying anything but even the silence with him is fulfilling enough to make my heart go crazy. I don't how or when it happened but the guy stole the only part of my heart reserved for someone special, cringe I know but it's true. Even though it doesn't feel like I'm flying or the sky is a beautiful shade of pink rather I feel like I am touching the earth and living the reality and the sky above me is the brightest and the most vibrant blue. Having feelings for someone makes you a different person, for the best or worst, you decide.

After dropping me off at the corner of the street, he drove away. I stood there looking at his car until it turned the corner and disappeared, a goofy smile plastered on my face as I walked down the street to my house, I can't wait to tell everything to Miliani. She always listens intently without sounding bored, she is the perfect example of the best sister.

When I reached home I quickly removed my shoes and placed them neatly on the shoe rack, knowing mom will have my butt If I kept them on the porch. I silently walked inside only to find everyone sitting on the couch watching some old movie. Mom was perched on the sofa beside dad and Mili has her head on mom's lap, sitting on the floor with a big bowl of popcorn.

A soft smile made its way to my face, it feels nice to be home. I tiptoed to them and silently sat next to dad on his other side, he looked at me when he felt ruffling and smiled his biggest smile, I love him. I placed my finger on my lips to tell him to not say anything. Mili and mom were too engrossed in the movie that they didn't saw our exchange. I took the pillow from behind me and hit Mili with it, sending the popcorn bowl tumbling down her lap, mom squeaked from the sudden movement as her eyes widened.

"Oh my God, Layla! you are so dead" she yelled and took the pillow from behind mom and stood up, I know what was coming so I already took my pillow for retaliation. Mili attacked me from the side but I dodged it and hit her square on her face, she made an oomph noise and stumbled backwards but dad quickly pushed her forward so she doesn't hurt herself, see she is our princess.

"Thanks, daddy" she smiled but glared at me when I once again hit her head with the pillow. She let out a warrior cry and started running towards me with full force. I laughed at her dramatic self and jogged forward to keep myself from getting hurt because when mili is determined, she is ruthless.

We fought for at least fifteen minutes, running around the house, shouting and laughing. This is home and I love it. I could hear dad encouraging Mili to score me a forehead shot, "thanks dad for being a very supportive father" I shouted, sarcasm practically laced into my every word, he laughed and told me "you're welcome"

"Girls, that's enough. Stop before you seriously hurt yourself" mom shouted when mili let out an enraged cry. We stopped immediately because as much as she loves us, she won't take time to whoop our butts as well. I glared at Mili when she hit me upside the head

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