46 | mad

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Miliani's POV

My eyes met Caim and finally i tasted the pain of betrayal. it hit me full force, right in-between my eyes. i couldn't believe what i saw in front of me, i never thought life would such joke to me. sure, I've never been gods favorite but hurting me to this length wasn't fair.

"who the fuck are you?" the voice was very distant as my focus was only on the guy who still has his hand raised, aiming at me while holding a silver gun. i'm not scared, not even a little bit, I've been in this scene before with a gun against my head while i was having the time of my life. it was the person that scared me. i trusted him, i trusted him with all my life and i got that trust thrust into my face with golden lies.

My eyes stung from the tears I could already feel forming, I can't believe this, never in a billion years I thought that I will see Caim holding the weapon that took away my sister's life. i was still on the floor along with Ailey and i new i have to do something to get us out of here. my first action was to look for Ailey's hand. when i took a hold of her hand i moved to stand up but the girl kicked my side. i fell down, my eyes flew up to meets Caim's and saw him clenching his jaw while glaring at the girl but he didn't say anything.

First tear slipped along with the trust I had for the guy standing In front of me, second did with the affection, all the times when i felt my affection soaring for him were forgotten and finally when the third tear slipped a slap of realization hit me. I've been blind for so many days, there was a lingering thought that Caim is dangerous. the first time was in the cafe when he fight three man alone, they were dead. i tried to misread the obvious signs, just for the sake of my trust on him but It was Caim who killed those people in the Cafe.

 I had my suspicions but never confirmed them as I saw Caim to be a guy who was just misunderstood, i thought that staying silent and indifferent just his character, maybe if i gave him enough reason to be able to feel that that would change, that he would change but i didn't know that staying indifferent was a defense mechanism to save whats truly inside his brain. i never believed in rumors about him, always saw him more than what people claim but I didn't know that sometimes rumors can be true. i saw with my own eyes when he killed the man.

"Mi-Miliani" Lucas said, his grip on a guy slipped, my eyes remained on the man who slowly advanced towards Caim, he was  gaining his consciousness. Keeping his legs firm on the ground before he crouched to take something out of his boot. Lucas has his complete attention on us and Caim has his back facing him, he pulled out a knife from his boot. I know what's going to happen next, he's going to attack Caim. 

The knife is going to slice through his skin and make him bleed, its going to hurt him. hes going to get hurt. my eyes remained on the guy, just for a split second his eyes met mine, they were filled with fear and determination, he was afraid about the outcome but at the same time he was determined to watch it unfold. I've always feared determination, it make people do crazy things. i tried to stand but the kick i received earlier was making it difficult to breath, i heaved a sigh, my mind going back to when Layla was shot, Layla bleed through her clothes when the bullet pierced her shoulder, the same red color flowed out of wound like it's going to flow out of Caim's wound. 

i wanted to scream, wanted to tell him something but my mouth was frozen, i was frozen. Before I could say anything, shout anything Lucas kicked the guy in his shin resulting in that knife stabbing him in his jugular, passing out from behind his throat. Red blood came out from that injury, my breathing stopped. i didn't know I did it until I heard it. I screamed. so loud it almost broke my voice box. I couldn't help but feel the pain that guy just have gone through by having a knife sticking out from his throat.

i finally lost it, the remorse i felt for Caim shifted towards the guy laying on the ground, choking. i know he was trying to kill Caim, i know he was the bad guy but after watching him bleed made past wounds to open up. i couldn't save Layla.

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